
Christmas Eve 2014

So here it is, Christmas week. Yet, I am still spending countless hours with "Vigit from Dell" taking another virus off my computer. I hate that Brooke's friend Morgan had to witness my melt down over the computer, is what it is.  Morgan spent the night with Brooke on Monday, December 22.
On Tuesday, December 23, Brooke went home with Morgan for a sleepover at her house.

Brooke came home Thursday, December 24, (Christmas Eve) in time to load up the car and head to my moms for Christmas. It was a skeleton crew this year. Three of our six families didn't make it to our Christmas gathering at moms. Darlene and Gary went to Memphis on Tuesday to join Trent in home break in tragedy.  Brad and Micheala stayed away because they had one that was down with the flu. Kendal and Tiffany didn't make it because Braxton was battling the croup.
The rest of us had dinner, watched the kids tear into their gifts and celebrated the season. Again, I'm so thankful for another Christmas with both my parents.

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