
New Computer

This weekend has left me with sore muscles and a tired body. Although there was a 50% chance of rain yesterday, the sun shone all day. We used the opportunity to set up each inflatable one by one and clean them. Hours later, our mission was complete. Our bodies were drained and our shirts were soaked with sweat, but it felt good to know we had the work behind us.
At 6:00 yesterday, we got a text that Brookelynn was back in town from her eight day beach adventure. She was tired, homesick and hungry. Our first stop was Taco Bell. She hung right by our side the rest of the evening. I think she even thought about sleeping in our bed, but we had to draw the line somewhere. Don't get me wrong, we had missed her like crazy too.  It feels so good to have us all back home from our adventures this week.
Today, after church, we joined some friends for lunch at Outback and then went to White County to visit my mom for a couple of hours. Stroker and Brookelynn also made a trip to Algood to visit Mildred for a while, but I had an appointment at 4:30 to meet someone at Dogwood Park about a rental. I finally got my new computer set up this evening. I love it.
 It feels so good to get away from that net book that I have been working from. Here is a view of my new computer.

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