
Birthday, Promotion, and the Kitchen Sink

I had two things to accomplish on Sunday, February 16. Breakfast committee at church and covering the soundbooth at church. Needless to say, after that, it was a leisurely day. Brooke and I went to look at an open house, I took a 2.5 hour nap, dinner was at Cheddar's and Devin arrived back home from Memphis around 7pm.
Monday the 17th was a great day at home. It was Presidents Day, so the kids were home from school and I was home with a list of chores. Brooke and I got in the shed and drug out all the consignment totes...5 of them. I can't believe we accumulate so much stuff. The worst part is that it's only Brookes things that she has outgrown. We don't even consign Devin's old things anymore because he is in men's sizes these days.  So anyway, as I was saying...5 totes of Brookelynn's consignment stuff. I knew it would take a while to sort and price, so we are taking this one step at a time. I had till Sunday to get prepared. 
While I was at home all day, I cooked a home cooked meal consisting of meatloaf, mashed potato's, and corn which we ate on the couch because I still haven't decided on a new kitchen table yet. Stroker and I also went on FAITH visits with Lee Roberts Monday night.
By Tuesday, February 18, I had wore myself out from all the Monday activity. I picked up a pizza at Papa Johns on the way home for dinner. Brooke and I had to make a trip to the office store to get supplies for her science fair project. I am still disgusted by the $10 price tag on the science fair board. It's a piece of cardboard for Pete's sake. Stroker had to work till 5pm today. He was feeling worn down by the time he got home too.
I went to get something out from under the kitchen sink on Wednesday, February 19, and noticed everything under the sink was flooded. Not with clean water. With drain water. The pipe came off the drain of the kitchen sink and I have no idea how long it has been that way. I had to empty everything out from under the sink, which is like emptying a landfill and dry out the bottom as best I could. Plumber Stroker arrived at almost 5pm because he is still working 10 hour days. This five minute fix took us about an hour and a Facetime call to my brother-in-law. We were done just in time to get to church.
Temperatures were in the 60's today, but too bad we had our heads under the kitchen sink and didn't get to enjoy it.
Good News! on Thursday, February 20. Stroker found out that he got the job that he applied for! It is supposed to come with an earlier "go home" time in the evenings. He is excited and I am too. Temperatures today was 70+ degrees. It brought on some storms by night though.
Sunny and 60 degrees on Friday, February 21. The ladies at work brought in refreshments and cake to celebrate my birthday. I sure am lucky to work with such a awesome group of girls.
For dinner, we went to Olive Garden.
Happy Birthday to me on Saturday, February 22nd. God gave me beautiful weather for my birthday. Sunshine and 66. We made a trip to Jamestown, but made time for a birthday lunch at Cheddar's before leaving town.

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