
Another February Comes to a Close

After church on Sunday, February 23, the kids and I went to mom's and we all went to lunch at KFC. We spent a little time in Sparta before coming back to look at an open house on Patrick Street. I made Taco Soup for dinner after Stroker joined me in a grocery run to Wal-Mart.
I felt like I was back on track with cooking at home because on Monday, February 24, I made a pot roast for dinner. Brookelynn had an orthodontist appointment. Her teeth are moving right along. Stroker had a dentist appointment at the same time. Stroker and I went to look at a kitchen table, but neither of us liked it. The search continues. We went on Faith visits Monday evening to conclude the day.
I must have jinxed myself with that line about being back on track, because we are back to drive thru dinners by Wednesday, February 26. We went to Steak-n-Shake before church and went to another store to check out a table that I found (and like).
Brookelynn cooked dinner for us on Thursday, February 27. I finally got all the kitchen sink stuff put away that got wet last week. I also had to go to the cable office for a new HDMI cord that was too replace an HDMI cord that went bad. The new one that they gave me is too short, so I guess I will have to buy a new one. Seems like there are errands to run every day. Why can't I just go home and sit quietly one day?
I went to JC Penney on Friday, February 28, to pick up the summer shorts that I ordered for Devin. It's hard to find shorts that will reach his knees. I also watched Grey Friday evening for Stacia and Delano while they went on a date..

Brookelynn missed out on that visit because she spent the night with Ella.
Just like that....February 2014 was over.

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