
Food Mostly

On Monday, March 4th, we joined our pastor for another round of FAITH visits. Afterwords, he joined us for dinner at Steak-n-Shake.
Tuesday the 5th was a mundane day. The only thing we accomplished was a family dinner at Logan's.
Wednesday evening I turned my own oven on. It was Fellowship meal night at church so I baked a ham and made a Hershey Bar pie.
On Thursday March 7th, I sat in on a class of how to take better pictures. It was OK, but I am hoping to learn more.
I spent Friday treating mom to a hair appointment. She was overdue for a cut and perm. Once she had been cut and curled, I took her to Cracker Barrel for chicken and dumplings.
That concludes this weeks list of "restaurants".  I didn't realize that all we have done this week is eat until I just entered this post. LOL

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