
Spring Snow

I had a hair appointment on Sunday. Just a few more highlights to keep people from asking me anything important. It rained most of the day on Sunday. I visited with my mom for a while.
On Monday March 25th and Tuesday March 26th, the kids got out of school for a snow day. I think Punksatony Phil played a cruel joke on us this year.
On Wednesday evening, we went by the nursing home to visit with Kelly for a while.
On Thursday, we had to go to Moss TN and experienced a creepy back road adventure. All four of us debated several times on turning back, but we finally made it to civilization.
On Good Friday, we spent the entire day relaxing at home. It was a rainy and cold day, so piling up on the couch was the perfect way to spend a day off.
Saturday brought in sunshine and warmer temperatures. Our church held an egg hunt at the Gaw's house. We traveled to White, Jackson, and back to Putnam County.
Easter Sunday we celebrated the Resurrection of Christ. My friend Jenn Dukes joined us at church.
One year ago Easter, our family was baptised and two years ago Easter, we started attending church.

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