This past week has mostly consisted of me whining about my tooth. Just be glad that you were out of earshot of me or you would have had to listen to me too.
I made it through last weekend by taking Aleve every 6 hours. The pain never really set in severely, but I took precaution just in case. I phoned Dr. Boston's office first thing Monday morning to see if I could come on in instead of waiting until my appt. Tuesday at 1:45. The receptionist told me that they still could not see me until Tuesday; however, she told me to just come on in at 1:30 Tuesday instead of 1:45. Geee thanks.
She called me back around noon to let me know that they had a 2pm cancellation and that Dr. Boston would now have an hour opening to work on the tooth. She confirmed for me to be there at 1:30.
I replied "Great!. I will get ready and head that way in a bit."
She said "no, no...1:30 tomorrow".
Confused, I responded " I already have a 1:30 appt. tomorrow"
She replied" Yes, but now he has time to work on it...he was just going to examine it before he received the cancellation"
I assured the receptionist that "cancellation or not, there was going to be work done on my tooth Tuesday". I would not be in such a mess if he hadn't messed me up back on February 5th. I ended the call by saying "make sure he has the NITROUS turned up". She said "oh, want Nitrous, I will make a note to ensure he has it ready".
I made it to the dentist (at 1:30) and Dr. Boston came into the room and asked "which one is giving you trouble?'
"Uh, the one you worked on three weeks ago".
He looked in my mouth and said "no, that's between the two that I worked on"
I told him it was in the area he was drilling and filling last time so he must have put too much pressure on that tooth while banding the others to fill them. I reminded him that I was not having any problems or pain until his drilling adventure. Now I have half a tooth and would probably require a crown to correct it.
He said "open and lean toward me" That's when the numbing injections started.
Oh great! looks like no-one ever received the nitrous memo, or didn't care to administer it.
By the time he had my tooth drilled down to a post for the temporary crown, I was trembling so bad that the chair was shaking. He said he had to dig out my gums where the tooth was broke off. I grabbed his hand a couple of times where my gums were so sore it was hurting. He told me to just bare with him for a minute till he got the gums cleared out. This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
When he finally finished, I could taste a lot of blood so I asked "Am I beading?" He said "Yes, we are going to have to pack this and leave it for a while till the bleeding stops before we can make the impression for your crown."
As I left the office, the receptionist reminded me that this crown was going to cost ME $625.