
Spring Snow

I had a hair appointment on Sunday. Just a few more highlights to keep people from asking me anything important. It rained most of the day on Sunday. I visited with my mom for a while.
On Monday March 25th and Tuesday March 26th, the kids got out of school for a snow day. I think Punksatony Phil played a cruel joke on us this year.
On Wednesday evening, we went by the nursing home to visit with Kelly for a while.
On Thursday, we had to go to Moss TN and experienced a creepy back road adventure. All four of us debated several times on turning back, but we finally made it to civilization.
On Good Friday, we spent the entire day relaxing at home. It was a rainy and cold day, so piling up on the couch was the perfect way to spend a day off.
Saturday brought in sunshine and warmer temperatures. Our church held an egg hunt at the Gaw's house. We traveled to White, Jackson, and back to Putnam County.
Easter Sunday we celebrated the Resurrection of Christ. My friend Jenn Dukes joined us at church.
One year ago Easter, our family was baptised and two years ago Easter, we started attending church.



On Monday, the 18th, I decided to lay in the bed just one more day to see if I could kick whatever it was that was making me feel like crud. It was a good day to stay in the bed because it rained all day long.
Wednesday the 20th, we went to El Tap for dinner before going to church. We split up a little differently than usual, the women's group had a meeting while all the men had their meeting.
On Thursday, I snuck a few pictures of Brookelynn while she was in gymnastics.

Friday night, Brookelynn went with Cassidy to watch "The Passion" play that one of the local churches was hosting. Stroker, Devin and I went to Cheddar's for dinner.
Today, we went for a visit at my dads. We picked up some ramps that will help us out when trying to get the dolly up a set of stairs.


Coming Down with Something

This Monday started with more Faith visits with our pastor. Afterwords, Stroker and I had a nice and quiet  dinner for two at Cheddars.
We also ordered a new piece of equipment to add to our fleet.
By Wednesday, I started to feel like I was coming down with some type of cold or something. I had a cough and was beginning to feel achy. We went for dinner at Logan's and went to church, but I didn't feel like doing either one.

Thursday morning I came home at 9am to lay down. I was OUT for the rest of the day. The only time I got out of bed was for a bathroom visit. Since the kids were on spring break, there happen to be no gymnastic classes for Brooke Thursday evening. Stroker figured out something for dinner for him and the kids because I slept right through dinner too.
Friday was no better. In fact it was almost a carbon copy of Thursday except for the small detail that I never got up to try to start my day like I did on Thursday.
Saturday was a bit better. I was not back to 100%, but not as in bad of a shape as the three days prior.
Unfortunately, our downfall for Saturday was that we got the truck and the trailer stuck in the mud for about forty-five minutes. For a minute I thought we were not gonna get out of that mess. Thank the Lord, He helped us out.
On Sunday, it was my groups turn to bring in breakfast. I was running a little behind because I was still recuperating from what ever I had a few days prior. After church, we attended a funeral for Robert Cowan. He is the father of Darryl Cowan, a church member.
I also squeezed in a visit with my mom on Sunday.


Spring-Like Weekend

On Saturday, I decided to take a walk so I headed to Cane Creek and walked four miles.
  Satuday evening, Devin spotted this car in town and wanted to stop and take a look.
 Stroker was cracking up because it still had the 8-track player in the dash.
While I posted to this blog, Brookelynn took advantage of time with daddy.
Sunday was another pretty day. We wanted to make the best of the outdoors, so we cooked burgers on the grill.


Food Mostly

On Monday, March 4th, we joined our pastor for another round of FAITH visits. Afterwords, he joined us for dinner at Steak-n-Shake.
Tuesday the 5th was a mundane day. The only thing we accomplished was a family dinner at Logan's.
Wednesday evening I turned my own oven on. It was Fellowship meal night at church so I baked a ham and made a Hershey Bar pie.
On Thursday March 7th, I sat in on a class of how to take better pictures. It was OK, but I am hoping to learn more.
I spent Friday treating mom to a hair appointment. She was overdue for a cut and perm. Once she had been cut and curled, I took her to Cracker Barrel for chicken and dumplings.
That concludes this weeks list of "restaurants".  I didn't realize that all we have done this week is eat until I just entered this post. LOL



As we all know, Brookelynn is quite the loafer. If she is not at a friends house, she has a friend at our house. Friday night Brookelynn had her friend Cassidy over for a sleepover. For dinner, we decided to try out the new pizza place in town. Marco's Pizza. All of gave their pizza a good review. The girls watched movies, did manicures and ate pizza before tiring out for bed. 
Saturday evening, twenty-two of us met up at El Tapatio for a surprise birthday dinner for Keisha. Afterwords, Brookelynn took off for a sleepover with Libby.
Sunday, after church, I coposed a newsletter to promote business and sent it out. We also had to make a couple of trips to Jamestown. That pretty much consumed our Sunday.


Cold and Dreary

In case you are wondering how to spend a cold and dreary day...
...just pile up on the couch and take a nap.

Just Call Me Princess

This past week has mostly consisted of me whining about my tooth. Just be glad that you were out of earshot of me or you would have had to listen to me too.
I made it through last weekend by taking Aleve every 6 hours. The pain never really set in severely, but I took precaution just in case. I phoned  Dr. Boston's office first thing Monday morning to see if I could come on in instead of waiting until my appt. Tuesday at 1:45.  The receptionist told me that they still could not see me until Tuesday; however, she told me to just come on in at 1:30 Tuesday instead of 1:45. Geee thanks.
She called me back around noon to let me know that they had a 2pm cancellation and that Dr. Boston would now have an hour opening to work on the tooth. She confirmed for me to be there at 1:30.
 I replied "Great!. I will get ready and head that way in a bit." 
She said "no, no...1:30 tomorrow".
Confused, I responded " I already have a 1:30 appt. tomorrow"
She replied" Yes, but now he has time to work on it...he was just going to examine it before he received the cancellation"
I assured the receptionist that "cancellation or not, there was going to be work done on my tooth Tuesday". I would not be in such a mess if he hadn't messed me up back on February 5th. I ended the call by saying "make sure he has the NITROUS turned up".  She said "oh, want Nitrous, I will make a note to ensure he has it ready".
I made it to the dentist (at 1:30) and Dr. Boston came into the room and asked "which one is giving you trouble?'
"Uh, the one you worked on three weeks ago".
He looked in my mouth and said "no, that's between the two that I worked on"
I told him it was in the area he was drilling and filling last time so he must have put too much pressure on that tooth while banding the others to fill them. I reminded him that I was not having any problems or pain until his drilling adventure. Now I have half a tooth and would probably require a crown to correct it.
He said "open and lean toward me" That's when the numbing injections started. 
Oh great! looks like no-one ever received the nitrous memo, or didn't care to administer it.
By the time he had my tooth drilled down to a post for the temporary crown, I was trembling so bad that the chair was shaking. He said he had to dig out my gums where the tooth was broke off.  I grabbed his hand a couple of times where my gums were so sore it was hurting. He told me to just bare with him for a minute till he got the gums cleared out. This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
When he finally finished, I could taste a lot of blood so I asked "Am I beading?" He said "Yes, we are going to have to pack this and leave it for a while till the bleeding stops before we can make the impression for your crown."
As I left the office, the receptionist reminded me that this crown was going to cost ME $625.