Last week started off on a good note. We came to an agreement Sunday night that we would try to make a conscious effort to recognize and understand each other’s feelings and emotions here in the Hayes House. As we all know, personalities don’t always mesh and make perfect harmony, but God knew exactly what he was doing when he handpicked our family. From the hard headed teenager, the know-it-all tween, the no-nonsense father and the “just let it go” mother that I am, life at the Hayes House can get a bit sticky.
Although we end up frustrated and upset sometimes and can’t figure out why things are going the way they are, He knows what He is doing and sometimes we just have to trust in Him. It can be very hard to "let go and let God" sometimes. I admit, I want to fix things myself but my efforts show no progress. What I do know, is that there is a divine plan for us and He needs the four of us together to accomplish His plan.
I do thank God for those that he chose to be part of my life. They are perfect for me.
I received a call from Erin on Tuesday that broke my heart. We, as humans, will never comprehend why infants are called home so early in life. We question and ponder and ask ourselves “why?”
God has a plan for each and every one of us. Most of us spend a large portion of our lives trying to understand the plan. Things that go unobserved by our own eyes can sometimes make an impact on others because it is part of His divine plan. Somehow, in some way, baby Oliver had already fulfilled his part in God’s plan in just four short months here on Earth.
Of course I thought of the Tylka's a lot on Wednesday (and throughout the rest of the week). I prayed for comfort for their family and I thanked God for my own.
We also attended church Wednesday night. We had prayer for all the school age children at church and discussed plans for the women's group.
The week progressed on and eventually the weekend arrived. Ansley came home with me Friday evening after the funeral. She and Brooke planned to have a sleepover. We went to dinner at O'Charley's and then hurried back home so Brooke and Ansley could enjoy their time together. They get along so well when they are with each other. They played with Ansley's iPod Touch till after 9:00. They were up by 7:00 Saturday morning giggling and playing again. It didn't seem like long before the play date was ending.
Saturday afternoon, Brookelynn had a birthday party to attend. Camari had a "Shake It Up" party at Cream City. Brookelynn said that she needed to wear clothes like CeCe and Rockie would wear on the show; however, she was not up for this photo oppertunity.
So much for a good nights sleep. I was up all night (in my dreams) getting food ready for church. When I woke up Sunday morning, I was already worn out. Never-the-less, I jumped out of bed, got ready, and headed out to buy groceries.
We made it to church on time, served breakfast, and had a great Sunday sermon about "counting".
I left the church and remembered that I had forgotten my serving dish at the church. U-turn. As I went back in, Debi asked about our lunch plans. A half hour later, we were at Cheddar's with Sterl, Debi and Angie. As the day progressed, we loaded up and drove a dressor to my moms house. I got a few things rearranged at home too. It was a great day.
Life is full of ups and downs. Somethimes when the day is over and I lay in the bed collecting my thoughts, I thank God for the experiance.
Thank you so much for being the very best friend you can be to were there for me when I needed an ear and a prayer. Life has been challenging this week and will continue to be without Oliver, but I know he is watching down on us...especially his parents.