
Cool Down and Sunshine

The weather this past week was rainy and dreary;
However, the rain cleared out just in time for a beautiful weekend.
Today was awesome. The sun shone and the temperature was 84 degrees.
Bob Ross himself couldn't have painted a more beautiful day.
We got sooo much stuff accomplished today.
  • Stroker got up early to wash and wax my car.
  • Brookelynn and I went to tractor supply to get a couple of new tires for the dolly.
  • Stroker put the new tires on the dolly.
  • I bought a new swiffer and put it to work.
  • I vacummed the couch and some other stuff.
  • Finally hung the last shelf in our closet.
  • A couple of more picture frames made it back on the wall.
  • I touched up paint on a few scuffed walls here and there.
  • We went to dinner at El Tapatio.
  • Laundry
  • Wrestled Cletus to give him his monthly dose of dewormer.
  • Enjoyed the sunshine as I ran in and out of the house completing errands.
Hopefully tomorrow I will be just as productive.

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