
What's Been Going On.

So here is a quick rundown of the past week (in no paricular order).

  • Brookelynn and I talked Stroker into trying
  • and he did not like it.
  • Basketball games and driving all over the Upper Cumberland with gas prices at $3.53 per gallon (Uuuuggghhhh).
  • Breakfast Dinner at IHOP with the kids.
  • Visiting with my mom and brother while watching the snow fall.
  • Presidents Day at home with the kids (without any of us driving each other crazy) Yay!
  • A new kitchen faucet.
  • Celebrated turning 36 and thanking God for it.
  • Received a manicure and pedicure certificate for my birthday.
  • Received a one hour massage certificate for my birthday.
  • Gave up biting my nails for Lent. 2/22-4/7.
  • Attending a "Code Blue" revival at
  • Had a hair appointment and got some highlights for spring.
  • Watching Erin's blog to see her latest house updates and loving her idea to opt out of the jacuzzi tub and going for a big walk in shower instead. People rarely use those jacuzzi tubs anyway.
  • My brother walked outside one morning this week to find this...
  • No chance of the fire dept. saving that.  Farwell Red Ford F350. At least it wasn't parked too close to the camper.
  • Added this to my bucket list

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