
Time Keeps Slippin' Away

I don't know why the time seems to be stuck on "fast forward" here lately. There is no hope in getting caught up these days. Below is a list of the events that I remember happening in the last week. Some events have already left my mind. I have got to get a better grip on keeping up with the blog.

Sunday, February 12, 2012: We stood before the congregation at church and gave our testimony. We were nervous, yet honored to glorify Him and what He has done in our lives. There were moments of laughter, there were moments of  tears, most of all there was praise of our Heavenly Father. We have came farther in our journey of Faith this year than we have in all the other years of our lives. We never seen this coming, but He did. He knew all along where he would bring us...and we thank Him that we are finally here.

Devin missed his Sunday basketball game since we spent the afternoon in Nashville visiting Kelly. We pray that she recovers and that she does not have another stroke.

Saturday, February 11, 2012: Devin had a ball game at 1pm. I made a pot of chili since the temperature dropped into the 20's. Winter had finally arrived.
In entertainment news, Whitney Houston was found dead on this day. It seems like only yesterday I was in the passenger seat of my sister's Honda Accord listening to Whitney Houston's cassette tape.
In family news, we received a call Saturday evening that Kelly had a major stroke and had to be air lifted to Centennial Hospital.

Friday, February 10,2012: I got my stitches out, which helped my gums feel a bit better. I wish I could open my mouth wider, but Dr. Brookesbank said that would take more time. I also wish that I had the feeling back in my chin, but he said that could take two to three more months. He said that it's very rare to have permanent numbness.
For dinner Stroker and I went to Outback. That felt a bit weird. We don't go out much without Devin and Brookelynn.

We also went to see Joyful Noise at the theatre last week. It was a pretty good movie. It had several funny scenes. The music was really good. Queen Latifa sang a beautiful song. We have the soundtrack and Brookelynn has worn it out this week.

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