

Kevin, Mike, Daddy, Darlene, & MeStacia, Jett, & Delano(background) as they tracked their way into the cave.
Brad, Matasia, Stroker & Trent were the brave first ones in.
Stroker, Brookelynn, me & Devin on Daddy's front porch
Today was Great. We all met up at Daddy's to celebrate his birthday (which is actually on Tuesday). Me, Darlene, and Kevin had a sign made that reads "Heatherland North" to go at the entrance of a housing development that he has had built. It looks really nice; I'm glad to see it up.
Phyllis prepared a great lunch, we all made lots of pictures, and daddy even took us spelunking in his cave. Daddy always has a neat adventure when we visit and he always has some good stories to tell about "way back when".
This was a good weekend.

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