
Halloween 2009

Jett... just before the Haunted Homecoming Parade got started.Scooby Doo and the Gang in the Haunted Homecoming Parade
Thriller float in the Haunted Homecoming Parade
Brookelynn & Ansley checking out one of the train cars as they trick-or-treated around the depot.

Brookelynn and Ansley were a little nervous at this spooky trick-or -treat stop

We finished the night off at Bucket's house roasting hot dogs around the fire pit.


Where did the day go?

Woke up at 7am and got the kids off to school. Stroker and I were busy all day. Went to Brookelynn's school Halloween party at 1:30. For dinner, we went to Logan's with the kids, my sister, her husband, and my nephew Trent. By the time we got home and got ready for bed, it was 11pm. I have no idea where the time goes. There are not enough hours in the day.
Tommorrow we will start all over at 7am...or maybe earlier to try to get a head start.
Tomorrow night Erin and Brandon are coming down so that Ansley and Brookelynn can trick-or-treat together. Hope the weather clears up in time for trick-or-treating.


Same Thing

This month has been the rainiest October that I can remember. Just damp, cold, and dreary. This evening, I had to go to the store to stock up on candy for the kids to take to school for their Halloween parties this Friday. When I got home everyone wanted to eat Mexican for dinner so we loaded up and headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Of course we got the usual. The employees always recongnize us; One of them nods and says "same thing". ..I really need to start preparing home cooked meals, but there are too many other things to get done. I cant imagine standing in the kitchen all evening like some moms do.
We did spend a little time outside this evening while we caught the sun out. I was playing around with the camera and snapped a couple of quick photos. Cletus must have been feeling sassy because he stuck his tongue out at me.



Kevin, Mike, Daddy, Darlene, & MeStacia, Jett, & Delano(background) as they tracked their way into the cave.
Brad, Matasia, Stroker & Trent were the brave first ones in.
Stroker, Brookelynn, me & Devin on Daddy's front porch
Today was Great. We all met up at Daddy's to celebrate his birthday (which is actually on Tuesday). Me, Darlene, and Kevin had a sign made that reads "Heatherland North" to go at the entrance of a housing development that he has had built. It looks really nice; I'm glad to see it up.
Phyllis prepared a great lunch, we all made lots of pictures, and daddy even took us spelunking in his cave. Daddy always has a neat adventure when we visit and he always has some good stories to tell about "way back when".
This was a good weekend.


Fall Fun

Tonight was a fun night. Nineteen of us met up at the corn maze. We roasted wieners, "smarshmallows" (as Brookelynn calls them), made smores, went on a hay ride, lost a toboggan on the hay ride, and lots of other fun stuff. The kids and the men had a great time too. The men had the "Who can build a bigger campfire" competition and the kids played in the straw bounce, slid down slides and went for a ride on the cow train. I will post some great pictures as soon as somebody emails me some :)
"It's not where you go or what you do, it's who's beside you that counts".


Tomorrow will be Sun! Yay !!!

Finally...they are calling for sun and temperatures in the 70's for the next couple of days. We are all sick and tired of rainy cold weather. This weekend has been a busy one. This Sunday we are all going to my dads to celebrate his 72nd birthday. My brother, sister, and I are going to get a sign made for his birthday to go in front of a housing development that he has called "Heatherland North". My daddy is the hardest person in the whole world to buy for.
I think we are also going to get a bunch of the family together and visit the pumpkin patch and corn maze Saturday night.
Halloween is also coming up in a couple weeks. We have to get ready for that too. I have already started preparations for Brooke's birthday party which is only a few weeks away. Busy, Busy, Busy.
The video with this post goes with the weather here lately. I overheard Brookelynn singing one evening after daycare (a few years ago) and grabbed the camera..."The sun will come out....tomorrow". Too adorable ;)


Officially Official

Well, it's officially official that we are not going to the beach this week. We came to this decision yesterday afternoon when we took one last look at the weather report for Destin Florida. Every day has 40% chance (or above) of rain this week. Now, as if that wasn't a decision maker enough, I checked a local news webpage and found the headline "Travelers Beware Of Killer Rip Currents Along Gulf Coast". That is what made the decision Officially Official!


Code Blue

Looks like it's gonna be a G.N.O. tonight. Stroker and Devin have gone to the Titans vs. Colts game. It's a "Code Blue" game (everone is to wear light blue).
Brooke and I are headed out for ice cream and a movie. I think we will see "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs".


The Big Debate

To go to the beach or not to go to the beach....that is the question. As a head cold sets in for both of us, we find ourselves debating a vacation down south. Sure, a getaway would be nice, but who could relax to the soft gentle sounds of the waves crashing in when you are sniffling and sneezing every two minutes. It reminds me of one of the times we went to Disney World and I walked around the whole week with pockets full of tissues. We still had a great time, but I looked like Rudolph with my glowing red nose all week.
One piece of advice that I would like to give to anyone planning to visit Disney not pay $8.50 for a box of Benedryl at the gift shop. They will give it to you for free at the first aid counter.
Anyway, a decision will have to be made in the next couple of days as we only get one week off for Fall Break this year.


Disney on Ice

The show was great, just like "Disney Princess's On Ice" and "Nemo On Ice".
Brookelynn and I worked on a few scrap book pages tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful outside.