
Down at the Dock

We went to dinner with Linda and Lloyd Nash on Friday, July 11 at the Cookeville Boatdock. We had a great time and got a scenic tour of the eighth district by our tour guide, Lloyd, on the way back home. It is fun to get out with an adult group on occasion. We sure do miss it when our kids are not with us though. I want the kids with me now more than ever. Now that Devin is 18, he doesn't hang out with us much at all, and I miss the good old days when the four of us were always together.
Brookelynn spent a second night away from home at a sleepover at Annie's house. The four days of cheer camp involve four nights of sleepovers. She is going to be tired and cranky when she gets home on Sunday.

This first image was supposed to be with the sunset in the background. But it didn't turn out like I envisioned. LOL.

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