
Just be Thankful

Stroker cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill today since we had such a warm sunny day.
This weather is a bit confusing to me. 
 Brookelynn has worn me and Stroker out with continuous Uno for the last 2 days.
 I finally got those stinkin' corn hole boards painted.
I got in a rush to get it done and just slopped the paint on there, but it looks OK from a distance.
I am just thankful that they are done.
I also started my holiday baking tonight.  I snipped open a pack of Nestle Toll House, placed them on a cookie sheet and popped them in the oven.  Brookelynn baked a couple in her "Easy Bake" too.
Brookelynn's class had an assignment today to make a list of what they are thankful for...
The third one up from the bottom made me and Stroker chuckle a little. We asked Brooke what made her want to add that to her "Thankful List" and she said that she doesn't like when kids have to go to their moms for a while, then to their dad's for a while.  She said that a lot of her friends have to do that, but she's glad that we all have Thanksgiving together.
With that said, Stroker and I had to agree...We are glad that we are not divorced too.

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