They're here They're Here !
Our shower doors finally came in Thursday (for the second time).
This time, they were even the right size.
They were installed and look great.
I can't wait to take my next shower.
It was 72° again today. Brooke got me outside to go "jogging" with her. I can jog for about twenty yards and then we are back to walking. Kimba went with us, thank goodness we don't have to keep up her pace. I bet she can run 40mph.
Friday, February 24, 2017 was even nicer outside. Sunny and 80°. I made a taco salad for dinner so we could stay home and enjoy the weather. It's nice to stay home on a Friday night sometimes.
After bedtime, some storms rolled through from the unusual warm temperatures today. The winds got up and it poured the rain, but nothing severe thank the Lord.
The bottom fell out of the temperature Saturday. It got down to 42°. We had a couple of outdoor activities scheduled, but they were close by.
On Sunday, February 26, 2017, we went to Sparta before church and Jamestown after church. We spent the day at Pickett State Park and all the surroundings of Fentress County. We went back to Sparta at 7pm and got home by 8:30. We had a good day, but we sure were tired.
I took Brooke to pick up her unsold consignment items on Monday, February 27, 2017. She was excited to see that she made $88.50 off of her old clothes. We also took mom some dinner and went by to pay her electric bill. I got my first Dia&Co order in the mail today. I think I'm really gonna like this.
I had a hair appointment Tuesday evening. I decided to have some lighter streaks put back into it. I had went a little darker for winter, but let's face it, there is not going to be a winter this year. I also cooked dinner...with the windows open, because it is that warm outside.
Did I mention how much I have been chauffeured around here lately. I may never have to drive again.