
Spring Break 2K16

We had high school orientation on Monday, March 21. That was hard to swallow. Our baby is entering high school.  Pump the brakes!   
We, along with another parent, went to dinner at El Tap afterwords for moral support for each other. Can't believe high school is so close. 
I went for a massage on Tuesday, March 22, while Brooke went to a ATMS baseball game. I also got in a trip to Lowe's and had to make a trip to Algood. That's quite a day...for a Tuesday.
Stroker and I went by the funeral home Thursday evening, March 23. Margaret Prucing's mother's visitation was being held. She just lost her husband this year, and now her mother. 
 I feel so bad for her.  
Devin joined me for a trip to Celina on Thursday, March 24.  I like the way he steps up to help when we need him. He does not like to help...but he will if we are in a bind.

It was Maundy Thursday, so Stroker and I went to church service to end the day.
Everyday is usually busy around the Hayes House, but Friday's always kick off the busy weekends. I got quite a few things accomplished on Good Friday, March 25.
Stroker and I made our return trip to Celina, I dropped off a couple of totes of consignment items for the sale, I visited mom for a while and we went to dinner with Gary and Darlene.
Our church Easter Egg hunt was held on Saturday, March 26. Although ALL of our inflatables were rented, we somehow still had time to attend the egg hunt. I miss our kids being kids. Their egg hunts have long passed.
We all went to church on Easter Sunday, March 27, followed by our annual egg hunt at moms. I took the parachute this year too. The weather turned out awesome this year. We spent most of the time outside at moms. We hid and found about 120 eggs. There were prizes too.
We ended our Easter at my mother-in-laws. She cooked dinner for the family. I cancelled my hair appointment because holiday's are for family...not hair.
The kids are too old for Easter baskets nowadays, but that doesn't mean the Easter bunny doesn't come LOL.
I had to go to Lebanon on Monday, March 28 for ePlan training, as if I havn't been trained enough. That program never ends. Uuugghh. Stroker grilled burgers for dinner and they were delicious as usual. I ended my Monday taking Brooke to buy $165 worth of summer clothes because she claims nothing fits from last year.
On Tuesday, March 29, I took Brooke to get new sandals because she has apparently outgrown those too. Afterwords, Brooke headed out to Atlanta with Mary for the week, with her new wardrobe in tow. We are right (smack dab) in the middle of spring break, so she has hit the road.
Stroker and I looked at a house on 1644 S. Jefferson. It would be a prime location for our business, but we both agreed that it would be hard to live on such a busy street. I treated myself to a massage. That's about all the spring break I will get.
IHOP and church was all that we accomplished on Wednesday, March 30.  
Thursday, March 31 was the day that Darlene and I went to the movies to see "Heaven is for Real". It was a good movie. I managed to keep my sobbing under control. 

Breezing Through March

It is clear that I would not make a good commuter to work. 
I love that I am so close to schools, shopping, work and everything else that I'm involved with. Because after my third trip to the Capitol on Tuesday, March 15, I was getting bored with the trip. Several business owners and I met at Shoney's on Donelson Pike for a briefing before heading over to Legislative Plaza at 1:30. Of course Representative Ryan Williams seen us and had the bill "Rolled to the Heel".  When time ran out for the committee to hear the bill, they pushed it off until Wednesday, March 16. So back again I went. Brookelynn went with me this time to experience how laws are passed. It was 4pm before HB2456 was finally heard. Once Representative Ryan Williams noticed that he was losing votes, he decided to pull the bill before it had a chance to be voted down entirely. 
I expect to see this bill resurface in 2017.  Until then, we can all get back to business.

We heard that Gary's sister Debi had a stroke on Thursday, March 17. That was a shock as she is only in her 50's. 
March 17 would have also been Kevin and Vickie's 26th anniversary had Vickie not made her poor choices.
I spent Friday, March 18 at CHS volunteering to help at the career fair. We had our usual dinner at the Doodle later on.
We babysat Jett, Dash, and Grey for a while on Saturday, March 19 while Stacia went to visit Debi in the hospital. I organized around the house because I like organizing and we mad a quick trip to Gainesboro.
It was my day to bring breakfast to church on Sunday, March 20. We all went to Rib City afterword's.


All We Do Is Eat

There was an amusement board meeting on Tuesday, March 1, but I didn't get an opportunity to attend. We did manage to stop by the polls and vote for the primary presidential election. Stroker went to a high school basketball game to watch Bryric play. I stayed home to catch up on some housework. I always clean better when he is not at home.

We had dinner with Sterl and Debi after church on Wednesday, March 2 at the Cracker Barrell.
I ordered two new inflatables on Thursday, March 3 to add to our inventory. I customized the colors on one of them. Hopefully it looks bright and fun when we receive it.
I worked on invites to the Womens Conference Friday March 4, before we went to Outback for dinner.
We had lunch at Ollie's in Celina on Saturday, March 5. We visited Ma and Pa's grave. I like these graves at the cemetery. The entire family has matching flowers. I hope that when I am dead and gone that no one puts pink and red flowers on my grave. I really need symmetry too, so that I can R.I.P.
We also sold our Jungle Bounce house to someone in Atlanta and had the inspector come by and inspect our new Mini Deluxe Combo.
It was a very busy day for us.
Lennox's birthday party was Sunday, March 6 after church. We also sat up a bounce house in the forier of someone's house. You know you have a big house when you can set up a bounce house in the forier.

I redesigned the bounce house brochure to add our new Deluxe combo, front entry combo, ocean bounce, dunk tank and fly guy on Monday, March 7
That kind of stuff takes longer than you think.
Brookelynn and Devin both had dental appointments on Tuesday, March 8.  And both had a cavity.
I went for another back massage and I visited the Sculpting Spa for a consultation on my neck.
I can't believe season 2 of American Crime was on its last episode Wednesday March 9. It seems like it just started. As interested as I sound in the show, I missed the final episode anyway because we hung out at Cracker Barrel after church until 9pm.
We had our usual dinner at the Doodle on Friday, March 11
We needed a good dinner Friday night so we would have plenty of energy to drive around all day
Saturday, March 12.  We drove to Overton, Jackson, White and DeKalb counties. It was a nice day, and a longer day because of Sunday, March 13 daylights savings time. 
We went to Cheddar's afterword church with our church family. I also visited mom, Darlene, and dad.