
Creating a Page

Church, lunch with Debi and Sterl at Chili's, and Brookelynn heading out to another sleepover (this time at Ella's) is all that happened on Sunday, August 9. Kimba got to go on a nice little ride Sunday evening. 
Although Monday, August 10, is Kevin's birthday, I took mom out to dinner. Maybe that was my gift to him. An evening without mom. Sounds callous doesn't it? Truth is, mom goes to his house every single evening. I'm sure he enjoyed a change of pace on his birthday. Mom enjoyed the change from the "same-ol, same-ol" too.
Another accomplishment (for a Monday)... I sat down before bed and finally created a Facebook page for the business. We have only been in business for YEARS. I like to pace myself I guess.  I'm not very familiar with it yet, but it is up.
Aside from that, here is a photo of Devin aggravating his sister today. Not sure when they outgrow that 
Brookelynn's new bed arrived on Wednesday, August 12. Stroker wanted to have it assembled before she got home from church. Once we got my stipulations covered...we began.
I told him that I WAS NOT going to rush through this and I WAS going to work at it in a calm and rational manner. I do not want to be overwhelmed with this thing (like he already is).  We began at 4pm.
It looked like this when she got home from church, just before 8:00. One of my favorite things about is that it has three built in drawers.
After the football game on Thursday, August 13, several of us ATMS familes met at El Tapatio for dinner together. We had a fun time and the girls loved it.
Sterl and Debi joined us for dinner at Shear Delights in Sparta on Friday, August 14. I really like that place. I eat there at least once a week here lately.
Saturday August 15 was all about business. It was one of those days where we run ourselves ragged. 4 counties that day...Jackson, Dekalb and Putnam, White. Devin made the run to Jackson county with me. Which turned out to be almost in Clay county.

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