Two dump truck loads of dirt arrived Tuesday, March 24.
Wednesday, March 25, we removed all the landscape rock by the front porch, raised the ground with our new dirt and reapplied the landscape rock. In the midst of that, the new dog made a run for it and we chased her for twenty minutes.
Ella came home with Brooke on Thursday, April 26 for a sleepover. On Friday, March 27, they went to the movies and then spent the night at Ella's. Those girls are inseparable.
Stroker spent all of Saturday, March 28 on the bobcat moving dirt all over the yard.
By nightfall, we had almost every blade of grass buried.
By nightfall, we had almost every blade of grass buried.
He continued playing in the dirt on Sunday, March 29, after church,
while I went to Savannah's baby shower at church.
while I went to Savannah's baby shower at church.
Stroker finished up the yard just before dusk.
Brooke spent some time on the bobcat too....(while I was away at the baby shower)