
Goodbye Summer 2014

Oh summer...please don't go. I have so enjoyed the warmth of your days and the extra hours each evening. It saddens me to think it's time to say goodbye. I'm not ready for crunchy leaves under my feet, blustery winds on my cheeks or the setting sun before I get home in the evenings. Fall is definitely not my favorite season, but it sure beats winter...which is just around the corner.
Well, I can't stop father time from doing his thing. I can't even slow him down. At most, all I can do is attempt to keep records here on this struggling blog.
I encounter many obstacles in finding time to sit and type our daily happenings here at the Hayes House. From Dinner to dishes, ballgames to bath-times, days and sometimes weeks pass before I find the opportunity to record the lengthy list of our whereabouts and activities. To be honest, I rarely record many of them. When I do get the chance to post here, it's usually just a couple of bits and pieces from our frantic frenzy that we call life.  Sure, I know what your thinking.  I just posted a blog on "Choosing Slow" and now I am writing about being in "high gear" 24/7.
I want to slow down and I choose to slow down, but some days (most days) I simply don't have a choice but to hit the floor running.
As a matter of fact, lots has happened in September here at the Hayes House. Here are a few things that I can remember in a nutshell.
  • Had a Labor Day cook-out at Matt's. (Only photo...sorry)
  • We went to the fall fun fest 
  • Devin took another weekend trip to Memphis (and didn't come home sick)
  • I finally changed my ringtone on my mobile phone (after 2 years of "Redeemed")
  • I accomplished my bi-annual shed organization
  • The hubs turned 39. 
  • Took Kimba on her first visit to Dogwood Park...she was excited
  • Devin joined us for dinner at o'Charley's for Stroker's b-day (it's rare that Devin joins us now that he is "grown")
  • Stroker got new brakes on the Titan
  • 4 football games were cheered on by Brooke and the ATMS cheerleaders
  • Stroker and I had a date night at Gondola's (It wasn't what I remembered from 20 yrs. ago)
  • Went to Katey's Bridal Shower
  • Had another shower for Katey at work (50's housewife theme)
  • Devin's wisdom teeth started coming in. 
  • Brooke came down with her first head cold of the season and visit the doctor.
  • Had a great dinner with an old friend from school that I havn't spent time with in over 15 years.

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