
April Showers (and storms)

We had storms Wednesday night, April 2. I hate when they arrive in the middle of the night. I'm always torn between "do I try to sleep through it?" and "should I get the kids to our safe place?".  Needless to say, we survived last night.
Thursday, April 3, Brookelynn and I worked on a project for her Reading class. It was a Wizard of Oz poster. It may or may not have looked like a Kindergarten poster. No photos here, so the blog world will never truly know.
I got my car vacuumed out today too. I lllooovvve clean floor boards in my car. I feel cleaner when my floor boards are clean. It made my trip to Wal-Mart not so bad.
Friday night, April 4, Brookelynn had friends over for a sleepover. Ella and Natalie. I took the girls for manicures followed by frozen yogurt. I'm working hard to earn extra credit on my "mom card" I guess. 

We made a trip to Livingston with the girls and went to dinner at El Tapatio.
On Saturday, April 5, Devin made his first trip through a "drive thru". It was an experience for all of us. I took back over once we received our food. I don't think Devin is ready for eating while driving just yet.
I also got the main bathtub scrubbed on Saturday before Gary and Darlene arrived with their new "smartphones".  Stroker and I gave tutorials most of the evening. We all went out to dinner at Logan's too.

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