

Easter church service was great on Sunday, April 20. There were even a couple of baptisms.  We had to rush to Livingston and Gainesboro for deliveries before heading to Sparta to my moms. We had lunch, an egg hunt, a potato sack race and even prizes.  The kids had a great time.
Braiden (on the bench) John Casen, Zander, Braxton, Madison, Dash and Jett
 Braiden, John Casen, Brad, Zander, Madison, Braxton, Michaela, Jett, Stacia, Dash and Grey
We also had a great Easter dinner at Mildred’s Sunday evening before heading back to Livingston and Gainesboro to make our rounds. On a sad note for Easter, Stroker’s aunt Ruth passed away today in Detroit. The family is looking into arrangements for travel to the funeral.
Brookelynn had to go to a school baseball game for cheerleading on Monday, April 21. The cheer responsibilities have began quickly. I had to make a trip to the dentist to get my crown put back on. Thank goodness I hadn’t lost it.
Stroker and I got to have a dinner alone on Tuesday, April 22. It was great. Brookelynn was at a softball game and Devin opted out of joining us.
We all went to dinner together at Olive Garden on Wednesday, April 23, before heading to church.
Devin’s new skateboard arrived on Thursday, April 24. Even though he custom ordered it, he’s not happy with it.  Uuuggghhh. So hard to please.
Stroker had to work later than usual on Friday, April 26. To be honest, we were all tired and cranky. We ate dinner at home and went to bed.

Stroker got up Saturday morning, April 26 and headed to work at 6 am. Of course, we would have a busy day scheduled on the Saturday that he HAS to work. Gary said he would drive me around, so he did. From 8 am until 3 pm we traveled Putnam, White, Dekalb, Overton, Jackson, and Clay counties. By 3 pm, Stroker was home from work so we traveled the same circle again and returned back home at 9 pm.  What a week.  

I've been de-crowned

After Church on Sunday, April 13, we went to Sparta and had lunch at Casa Luna and visited my mom for a while. We even took a walk over to daddy’s house to visit with him and Phyllis for a while. How convenient to have both my brothers, my mom, my dad an uncle and my grandmother (before she passed) all residing in the same neighborhood. It makes visiting family easy peasy.

Brookelynn stayed late at school on Monday, April 14 for a cheer leading tryout meeting. I’m glad that she has decided to try out for a second year. She did a fantastic job last year. She sure knows how to give 100%. 
I had to spend Tuesday, April 15 in Nashville at Trevecca University at training. I left home at 6:15 and did not return until 5:20 that evening. I was drained.
Stroker had another 6:30 work day on Wednesday, April 16.
We had to be in Baxter on Thursday, April 17 by 4pm, so it was a hectic evening for us. Brookelynn also had cheer tryouts. She was very tired when we picked her up at 6 pm so we took her straight on over to Chili’s for dinner. She loved the new tabletop tablets that they have now. She tinkered with it most of the time.  The cheer list was posted at the school at 8 pm (kinda late if you ask me) and guess what… SHE MADE THE TEAM!
Stroker and I both had the day off on Friday, April 18. We made a trip to Sparta, but spent the rest of the day on projects around home.

Saturday, April 19 was RIDICULOUS!.  Not only were we covered up with seven bounce house set ups and take downs, we also had an Easter cook out at my brother-in-laws. And, to complete this exhausting day, my crown on my upper right molar came off. 

April Aches

I woke up Sunday, April 6 with a headache. I took some Tylenol before church, but it did not ease the ache. I took more medicine after church before I headed to my moms.  After sitting at moms and visiting with her for a few hours, my head still hurt. All day long. I also had a hair appointment at 7pm that I kind of dreaded. The last thing I needed was for someone to be tugging on my hair. I went ahead and went anyway because I didn’t want to wait another six weeks on my next appointment.
When I woke up Monday, April 7, the pain had finally subsided.  Thank the Lord. I made it through the entire day pain free. Brookelynn wanted to have dinner at Blue Coast Burrito. We went, we ate, we are not a fan.  Following dinner, Devin, Brookelynn and I went to Wal-Mart to go “junk food” shopping.
On Tuesday, April 8, I received the call that Devin’s graduation invitations were in.  I could not wait to pick them up. Devin looks so handsome in his cap and gown.  I also cooked dinner on Tuesday.  I made fried squash, ham and potatoes.
I also baked some cupcakes before Stroker, Brookelynn and I headed out to the circus. It was close to 10pm when we got back home. 
Stroker had to work late on Wednesday, April 9. It was after 5pm when he got home. His new job was supposed to end at 3:30 each day, but that is rare. Everybody was hungry and ready for dinner by the time he got home and of course, I had nothing cooked. So, off to O’charley’s for dinner and “free pie Wednesday”.  When we returned home from dinner, we found Kimba with a broken toe. She looked so pitiful. We can’t determine how it happened, but we can tell that she is in so much pain. We’re so sad for her. Cletus has the look of relief on his little fuzzy face as if he knows that he will have a few days of freedom from Kimba annoying him.
By Thursday, April 10, Stroker and I were both pulling late hours. I didn’t get home until 6:30, an hour after Stroker got off work. Stroker had to go over to the church to help Sterl move some furniture around. He didn’t get back home till around 8:30. We both were tired from work today. No energy for anything else.
By Friday, April 11, we were ready to sit back, relax and enjoy some good food.  Darlene and Gary joined us for dinner in Smyrna at Famous Dave’s. It was delicious, but the travel time took up our entire evening. We didn’t get back home until 10pm. The rain slowed our travels quite a bit. There were a few storms.

Stroker had to work on Saturday, April 12. I swept, washed bed sheets and relocated shelving in our bedroom. When Stroker got home from work, he cooked on the grill. Yum-O!

April Showers (and storms)

We had storms Wednesday night, April 2. I hate when they arrive in the middle of the night. I'm always torn between "do I try to sleep through it?" and "should I get the kids to our safe place?".  Needless to say, we survived last night.
Thursday, April 3, Brookelynn and I worked on a project for her Reading class. It was a Wizard of Oz poster. It may or may not have looked like a Kindergarten poster. No photos here, so the blog world will never truly know.
I got my car vacuumed out today too. I lllooovvve clean floor boards in my car. I feel cleaner when my floor boards are clean. It made my trip to Wal-Mart not so bad.
Friday night, April 4, Brookelynn had friends over for a sleepover. Ella and Natalie. I took the girls for manicures followed by frozen yogurt. I'm working hard to earn extra credit on my "mom card" I guess. 

We made a trip to Livingston with the girls and went to dinner at El Tapatio.
On Saturday, April 5, Devin made his first trip through a "drive thru". It was an experience for all of us. I took back over once we received our food. I don't think Devin is ready for eating while driving just yet.
I also got the main bathtub scrubbed on Saturday before Gary and Darlene arrived with their new "smartphones".  Stroker and I gave tutorials most of the evening. We all went out to dinner at Logan's too.


Dog Gone

Kimba went missing briefly today because Brookelynn didn't shut the gate when we left this morning.
After panic and frustration set in, our neighbor showed up to tell us that she took Kimba in her house so that she didn't run off. Kimba sheds a lot, the neighbors carpet was full of hair (yuck).
Guess what arrived today? ... Devin's cap and gown!   I'm so excited. Graduation announcements were also ordered today. It's getting closer!

Brookelynn and I walked around the park again today before church. We had a fellowship meal tonight and we just picked up forty wings from Pizza Hut.


Last Walk in the Park

It was sunny and 68 degrees Monday, March 31. We took advantage of the weather and cleaned two inflatables today before heading out on Faith visits with Jackie. By 7:30 we were tired and hungry so dinner was served at Cheddar s.
We went for a walk around Cane Creek Park on Monday, April 1. When we pulled into the parking lot we discovered the Drouillard's were there. Dash joined us for our walk while Jett practiced  soccer. The dogs went with us, but as Kimba pulls and tugs us the entire time, Cletus struggles to keep up our pace. It makes me sad to accept that today was Cletus' last walk around the park (insert long sigh here). I tell myself that Cletus will enjoy his "alone" time at home when we bring Kimba to the park. Kimba sure drives him nuts all day anyways. 
On another note, I finished the chevron pattern on Brooke's desk today too.
When spring starts making an appearance, we can't help but do all things outdoors. Although sunset is still a bit early, we accomplished quite a bit for one afternoon. We went out to Zaxby's because 8 pm was here before we knew it.