
Final Four

  1. I made some Taco Soup for lunch today. 
  2. I cooked in between our trips to Carthage. 
  3. Stroker is a bit depressed because Michigan lost today in the championship game today against Louisville (Bucket's team). 
  4. We had a late pick up today from a party for a 22 year old girl. Yes, a twenty-two year old had a birthday party for herself and wanted a bounce house.


Patty the Opossum

After church on Sunday, March 23, Devin drove me and Brooke to moms. The kids decided to have fun with a walker that mom keeps on stash in case she needs it.
 I was surprised at the Devin and Brooke got along so well during our visit.
When we got back in town, Brooke and I went to Wal-Mart and bought food for us to cook for dinner.
By the time I cooked on Monday, March 24, it was time to head out to do FAITH visits.
On Tuesday, March 25, we spent about 10 minutes at the Frye campaign (district attorney) meet and greet before we headed over to the theater to see God's Not Dead. I have been waiting on that movie for months.
Afterwords, Brooke enjoyed her free report card meal at Dairy Queen. And just before bedtime, we noticed a opossum  by the sidewalk. Kimba had finally caught it. Of course it was playing dead. None of us had the courage to go out, scoop it up and put it out of the fence. It finally roused up and made it's way back to the shed.
On Wednesday, March 26, we went to Fazoli's before going to Wal-Mart to buy sardines for the live trap that Stroker had borrowed. He is on a mission now to re-catch the opossum and take it away.
Thursay, March 27, we had tickets for "all you can eat" wings at tech. It was a fundraiser for Briana's Sorority. I think every TTU student on campus was there also. After we got back home, Brooke and I went to the store and bought $135 worth of junk food (literally). By the way, no luck on catching the opossum today.
Friday, March 28 had rain showers most of the day. That didn't bother Stroker though. His team (Michigan) had a ball game Friday evening and landed a spot in the Elite 8. It was scary toward the end, but they pulled it off. His brothers team (KY Wildcats) won too, so they face each other on Sunday. Update: No sign of the opossum.
Saturday, March 29, was the day Patty the opossum took the bait. She was pretty upset in that cage. We took her to a new home and set her free. She should be happy there. The day was a total washout. It poured rain all day, even while we hauled Patty away.
We laid around the house all day and we even took naps. By 6pm, we pulled ourselves together and went to a birthday dinner for my brother-in-law, Gary. He turns 50 today.

Spring Begins

Monday, March 17 was Saint Patrick's Day. The hubs and I had dinner for two at Logans before heading out on FAITH visits with Jackie. I like that it is still daylight while we make our visits these days.
On Tuesday, March 18, we attended Brookelynn's cheer banquet at the White Plains Grill. Coach Amy gave a speech about each cheerleader as she presented them with a plaque.

We had a farewell dinner at Church on Wednesday, March 19 for Denise Underwood.
Thursday, March 20 was the official first day of spring. It's nice to know that the season finally arrived. I was about to give up on it. After dinner at El Tap, Brooke and I shopped at Hobby Lobby and Office Mart.
Brookelynn doesn't usually want to attend school dances, but she decided to go on Friday, March 21st with some of the cheerleaders. She went home with Ella and some other girls afterwords for a sleepover. Stroker and I went for dinner for two again at Craw Daddy's and then went to Lowe's to buy paint for the bathroom. I spent the rest of my Friday night in the bathroom with a gallon of Navy Blue Paint.  Here is the before photo. This color is called "Ocean View".  I am planning to stick with a nautical theme.
On Saturday, March 22 I picked the paint brush back up and took into my second coat of paint in the bathroom. We also made a second trip to Lowes, but I couldn't find the paint brush that I was looking for. We ran into Daddy and Phyllis as we were leaving and talked to them for about 20 minutes.
Brooke went on a hike at Burgess Falls with Ella and some other friends. One of which has a bum ankle, so they carried her most of the way.  What were they thinking?
When I picked Brooke up from Ella's Saturday evening she was tired and cranky.


Winter Jam

Today was a rainy day which worked out great. It cleared our schedule for Winter Jam 2014. After church, we grabbed some lunch and Brooke and I headed back to the church for Denise Underwoods Coast Guard Farewell party.
When we left from there, Brooke and I went for a brief shopping trip at Mt. Juliet where she found her dress for the cheerleading banquet and I found some good coffee to drink on the way. We journey on down to Nashville to Bridgestone Arena where we attended the BEST CONCERT EVER. It was going when we arrived 5:00 and did not end until 10:30. It was sooo good. I hope I can go back every year.


Spring Break Continues

I love this time of year. Daylight Savings Time began on Sunday, March 9, and now we have longer evenings to get things done before dark. We went to church Sunday morning, I visited my mom for a while then visited my dad and still had daylight left. I love it.
On Monday, March 10, I had to pick up unsold consignment items at the sale. We had sold several more items and collected another $70, so all in all, we cleaned out unwanted junk and made $250 in the last two weeks. That makes me feel good :)
We also made a trip to Sparta on Monday and we tried a new Mexican Restaurant that only I seemed to like. On another note, I got Devin's cap and gown photo's ordered today. It was a tough decision, he did not smile in any of them. I know that he done that just to annoy me.
I went to Green Hills in Nashville by myself on Tuesday, March 11 all by myself. There was no one to rush me around or ask when we were stopping to eat. Sometimes a road-trip alone just feels wonderful. I like this church and always look for it when I go to Green Hills.
I had a nice quiet lunch at Panera, but all the peacefulness came to end once I got back into town and my daily chaos set in. I ended that Tuesday with some scrap-booking. I worked on soccer pages from 2002. Devin was so smiley back then.
We missed church service on Wednesday, March 12 because my mother in law cooked a good dinner and asked us to come over. Brookelynn went to Ella's for a spring break sleepover.
On Thursday, March 13, I picked up Brooke from Ella's so that she could go to get groceries with me. We cooked Alice Springs Chicken for dinner (an Outback favorite).
Friday, March 14, Brooke went to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman with her granny and her cousin Paradise. Brooke said that she was waaaayyy to old for that movie. The rest of us stayed home on the couch and ate our drive thru dinner from Chic-fil-a.
Saturday, March 15 was one of those days where we just drove around and burned gas all day. We went to Cassville, Byrdstown and Wilder. Those kind of days just wear us out.
This road particularly makes me sick...back and forth up the entire side of the mountain.

Mumbo Jumbo

I was trying to make the most of the nice weekend, so on Sunday, March 2, we went to church and then came home to Stroker's grilling talents. We had lunch on our brand new table. I organised more photos, looked through scrapbooks, organised my desk and made the most of the day. Brooke cooked dinner again. She is getting good at this.
The kids were out of school on Monday, March 3 for spring break. They don't go back for two weeks. The irony is that we received the most snow and ice this year during the night. Some businesses closed early due icy conditions. My work closed at 2pm, but it was actually clearing off by then. Brooke and I went to Sparta to pick up our unsold consignment items and I was thrilled. We reduced our stuff from five totes to one and cleared $180.00  Can you say "Win! Win!"?
There was another kids consignment sale getting ready to start up in Cookeville, so I dropped off the items that were left from the Sparta sale to the Cookeville sale on Tuesday, March 4. Afterwords, I worked on photo organization some more. I have years and years of photo's to go through. It is hard at this point to determine how old the kids were and what the actual date was for each photo now that so much time has passed. This is getting exhausting.
Meanwhile, Brooke has taken up the hobby of canvas art while she is on spring break. She has some cute projects completed already.

We didn't make it to church Wednesday, March 5 because Stroker was feeling too tired. I picked up KFC for dinner and worked on photo organization a while.
Brooke tried to learn to cross stitch on Thursday, March 6. It took about two hours before she gave up on it forever. We had IHOP for dinner and I made a couple of scrapbook pages before bedtime.
Brooke helped make eggrolls at my work on Friday, March 7. Stroker started his new position at work. He seems excited, but he didn't get home any earlier. I got online to order Devin some pants for graduation. It took a while, but I finally found some 32x36.
We went to the home show on Saturday, March 8. Nothing new or amazing there. We mostly was looking for someone to do some dirt work in our yard. No luck there either. We stopped by a place to check on just having the dirt dumped in our yard too. It looks like we are going to have to do the work ourselves. We met up at Applebees with Gary, Darlene, Stacia and the boys, Brad, Michaela and the boys for dinner. It is Brad's birthday and I can't believe he is 30.

I Got One!

Hello March!  How bout we start Saturday, March 1 with some spring cleaning?

  • Dusted the bedroom
  • 3 loads of laundry
  • swept and swifford the bedroom
  • dusted the laundry room
  • cleaned the master bathroom
  • organized old photo's chronologically
and last, but most definitely not least...Got a new Kitchen Table.   Tah Dah!