
Birthday Week

The only way to make a Monday a good day is to celebrate a birthday. Happy Birthday to Stroker. I got up early and took him a cup of Birthday Coffee.
We celebrated with dinner at O'Charley's. We invited Sterl and Debi to join us. We had a good meal with cake to follow.
I got Stroker a pair of Dr. Scholls insoles so he could be "gellin'".  Brookelynn got him some wax for the truck and something else that I honestly cant remember.
We also went out with Sterl for Monday night FAITH visits. It was a good day...all day long. I sure hope Stroker enjoyed every minute.

While Brookelynn went to Power Athletics on Tuesday, I covered the Wal-Mart shopping. I also cooked dinner at home with some of the food I purchased. It must have worn me out because I hit the sack at 8pm.

By Wednesday, we were back to the regularly scheduled program...Dinner at Logan's and church. We did make a run to Sam's Club to pick up some allergy medicine because we are all getting sniffly here lately.

I picked Devin up from school at 2pm on Thursday because we had to go to Sparta and be back at TTU by 5pm. Some days are just too busy.

Friday, Stroker and I spent the entire day together. We bummed around for a while, we went out for a lunch date and as romantic as this may sound...we scheduled a new roofer.  I know, I know that is the true sign of being married for over a decade. When getting a new roof gets you as excited as going on vacation.
Truth is, we have been waiting on the roofer we hired in July and he has not shown up yet. It is time to move on.  So our new roofer, known as MURPHY starts next week. Yay!
Friday evening, we went back to Sparta and had dinner at KFC with my mom. She doesn't eat much, but she enjoys the KFC buffet...or maybe she just enjoys dinner with us.

Saturday we woke up to a rainy morning. Too bad our roof is not already on. When the rain cleared out by midday, we had to get to work.

Sunday, we had to make another trip to Smithville after church. Mildred cooked a big birthday dinner. She had a birthday cake with all her son's names on it, and as usual, Stroker's name was mispelled LOL.

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