Monday was a beautiful day. We didn't go out for dinner, but instead just ate some leftovers at home. Stroker and I had to be at the church at 6:30 to go on FAITH visits with Sterl.
Tuesday, I surprised Stroker with lunch at work. We were all surprised when I cooked dinner at home that night too.
Wednesday, I experimented with Crock Pot Fajita's. They were okay, but the kids told me that I didn't ever have to make them again. Hint taken. We went to church and hung around until after 8:30 talking. By the time we got back home, it was baths and bedtime.
Thursday was the last football game of the year for Brookelynn. It was a later game than usual and you can tell that Fall is here. It got kinda chili outside by the time the game was over.
Friday night was a kid free night at the Hayes house. Brooke spent the night with Treasure and Devin spent the night with Braden. Stroker and I had dinner at Chili's with Debi and Sterl.
Our metal for the roof was also delivered today.
Saturday was Austin and Kristen's Wedding Day. It was also Dash's birthday party. We had a trip to Alpine and Gainesboro on the books too. Busy was not even close to how hectic our day was. W e had to miss out on something and it was Dash's party. We had received a "save the date" card months ago for the wedding.
On Monday, the last day of September, I spent the day dropping off kids consignment clothing, FAITH visits and the wonderful sight of the roof being started.