
Weekend Amnesia

What happened to the weekend?  I can't believe Monday is just 2 hours away.  I'm gonna have to sit back and think for a minute of what we did for the last two days....

Stroker just remembered that we went to El Tap Friday evening and went to Nan's to pick up a homemade Lemon Ice Box pie that she made for him. We made our dreaded Wal-Mart shopping trip before heading home Friday night.
I do recall plugging two tires on Saturday. Well, I didn't plug them, but Stroker and Bucket did. One on the truck and one on the trailer. We even stayed closed to home on Saturday. No traveling all over the Upper Cumberland.
Cassidy came over to spend the night with Brookelynn last night (Saturday night). She was presented a new pink Bible at church today for memorizing and reciting all the books of the Bible. Old and New Testament. Brookelynn has the Old Testament memorized, but hasn't quite mastered the New Testament yet.
I had a notion to bake cookies last night. Not the homemade kind of course, but I spooned them onto the pan from the container and baked them for 8-10 minutes. Chocolate chip with walnut. Yum-O as Rachel Ray would put it! Devin finished off the last of them this evening.
After church this morning, we went to lunch at Logan's before taking Cassidy back home. I spent a couple of hours at moms while Stroker seized his only opportunity to mow the yard this weekend. 
That man is faithful to his lawn. He has stressed himself out all weekend about when to find time to mow. When I arrived home from moms, he reminded me that we need Triazide and Seven Dust. Last week it was grass seed. The week before that it was Turf Builder.
I'm not complaining that he works hard on the lawn and the house...a lot of women have men that would go all summer without mowing if their wives didn't make them.
Devin went to see the Passion play this evening. We visited Byrd and April and went to see Brookelynn and Justin's new house.
I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to a short week. Beginning Friday, we will give this thing we call "Weekend" another shot.

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