
Washed by the Water

So, with the warm temperatures and the busy schedules, 10 days have came and gone at lightning speed. Over the past ten days, we have had  a special church service for Maundy Thursday, sleepovers, three egg hunts, Easter dinners, visited Gainesboro, Jamestown, Sparta, Algood, Baxter and Celina. I have had another check up with Dr. Brooksbank to check on the numbness in my teeth and chin. Still not back to normal yet.
Easter Sunday was especially wonderful this year. Not only did we celebrate Him and the sacrifice He made for us; this year, our family was baptised. It was awesome and emotional to feel the water cover me and to emerge new. 
Romans 6:4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

We were blessed to have so many friends and family come to witness such a special event in our lives.
Daddy, Phyllis, Bucket, Jennifer, Briana, Christopher, Libby, Gary, Darlene, Delano, Stacia, Jett, Dash, Matt, Nan, Mildred, Paradise, Keith, Erin, Brandon, Ansley, and Keith McNealy from Stroker's work.

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