
Weekend in 10

1. Friday evening: We all enjoyed the company of little Jett. We walked over to the playground and watched the kids play on the swings and the slides. Brookelynn slid so much the static electricity had her hair standing on its ends.2. Saturday morning: Woke up to the warmest, most beautiful day thus far in 2010.

3. Mid morning Saturday: As we traveled down Highway 70, we counted 86 motorcycles in a convoy directly behind us.
4. Saturday afternoon: Spent time outside because it was way too nice of a day not to.

5. Saturday Evening: Went to El Tap with the fam. and ordered "same thang" for dinner.

6. Saturday Night: Made it through the entire night without a sneezing fit. Not one tissue pulled from the box that night. For those of you that know my allergies, this is big news.

7. Sunday morning: Woke up feeling great after a good night's sleep.

8. Sunday mid morning: Thought I might do something unusual today, so I headed to the grocery store.

9. Sunday mid day: Prepared a home cooked meal and a cake...believe it or not!
10. Sunday afternoon: Spent an hour on dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Just a subtle reminder of why we always eat out.

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