
Spring Photo's

Aside from the Central Heat and air unit going out, the week has went well.
Monday evening, we went to White County and visited my sister for a while, stopped by my nephews to wish him a "Happy Birthday" and finished off the trip with a quick visit to my mom. We were all worn out by the time we got home. This extra 30 minute school stuff makes a difference. Speaking of school, Monday afternoon, I received an email from Devin's school that Tuesday was Spring photo day. Talk about advance notice...:( I would have liked to have taken Devin to the barber...oh well.

By Tuesday, Devin got ready for school and totally forgot about Spring photo's (and so did I). Tuesday night, I asked the same question that I always ask on picture day. "Did you smile nice for your picture?" I asked. You should have seen the look I received. "Mom" Devin said. "I looked like a TOTAL redneck...I forgot and wore that camouflage shirt, and the background was tree's". I laughed and laughed. I can't wait to see those pictures.

Today was Cletus' groom appointment and boy does he look better. He even looks like he feels better.
Tommorrow, someone is supposed to show up to fix the Air Unit and empty our wallets.

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