
Rain, Sleet, and Snow

Today was an unusual day. The weather men fore casted a snow/ice mix, and guess what...we actually got it! The entire region was in panic mode. Banks, stores, and even medical clinics were closing early. By 6:00 pm there were 2 - 3 inches of snow on the ground...then the sleet started. Logical people would stay at home and stay safe, we set out to Lowe's to check out materials for our next project. After Lowe's , we decided to head over to Matt and Kelly's for a while. It was midnight before we headed home. By then, there were 4 -6 inches of snow and ice. The city was like a ghost town. I remember 14 years ago, we had a big snow just like this. I brought baby Devin home from the hospital during that winter storm.

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