
Devin is 14

Today was Devin's 14th birthday, but instead of heading to Nashville to let Devin pick out new shoes, we were heading for the slopes with the sleds in hand. We were all layered up to the point it was a chore just to walk. We were thankful for all those layers once we were out in freezing temperatures. We met up with Jennifer, Christopher, Briana, Libby, Alyssa, and Adison for some sledding adventures.
This is Stroker's victory to the top of the hill

This is everyone else headed to the top

Brookelynn & Libby were maintaining a safe sledding speed, keeping it under 10 MPH

Briana as she applied the brakes

Adison...determined to stay in the sled

Alyssa ...testing her snow boarding skills

The birthday he slid past me

Stroker...testing the snow

Stroker...determined the snow was slippery enough

Libby and Brookelynn mastered their sledding technique for maximum distance

Briana giving Christopher a push

Christopher's wipe out

Briana...refusing to crash

Alyssa and Christopher

After sledding till we were knumb, everyone went home to recover from near frostbite.
This evening, Devin invited his friend Jordan to celebrate with us. Everyone met up at Bellacino's and we treated the whole gang to pizza and cake. Gary and Darlene drove over from White County. Mildred, Francis, Paradise, Matt, Kelly, & Jaiden joined us too. Afterwords, Stroker, Devin, Brookelynn, Jordan and I all went to the college basketball game. We met up with Bucket, Christopher, Alyssa, and Adison there. Devin also met up with a couple other friends.

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