
Weekend Review

Had a great weekend. Friday night, my family met up with Matt and his family for dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. Afterwords, Jaiden came home with us for about an hour or so to play with Brooke.
Saturday morning, I got up early to go through my digital photos and sort them all according to the year they were taken. I made a folder for 2002, 2003, 2004...all the way to 2010. It felt great to finally check that off my "to do" list. I LOVE being organized!!!
Saturday evening my sis, my niece, and my great nephew came over for a while. Darlene even brought me something (that I also love). New Bath Towels, Hand Towels and washcloth. They match the "Ocean View" paint in my bathroom perfectly. My sis is a natural born shopper. She always finds just the right stuff. We all went to dinner together at Fazoli's after hanging out at the house for a while.
Sunday, Brooke and I spent most of the day at my mom's. We looked through old photograph's and just watched a little TV. Sunday was a rainy and stormy day.

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