
Giant Snowman

Seen this in the parking lot as we were leaving the ballgame last night.

Devin is 14

Today was Devin's 14th birthday, but instead of heading to Nashville to let Devin pick out new shoes, we were heading for the slopes with the sleds in hand. We were all layered up to the point it was a chore just to walk. We were thankful for all those layers once we were out in freezing temperatures. We met up with Jennifer, Christopher, Briana, Libby, Alyssa, and Adison for some sledding adventures.
This is Stroker's victory to the top of the hill

This is everyone else headed to the top

Brookelynn & Libby were maintaining a safe sledding speed, keeping it under 10 MPH

Briana as she applied the brakes

Adison...determined to stay in the sled

Alyssa ...testing her snow boarding skills

The birthday he slid past me

Stroker...testing the snow

Stroker...determined the snow was slippery enough

Libby and Brookelynn mastered their sledding technique for maximum distance

Briana giving Christopher a push

Christopher's wipe out

Briana...refusing to crash

Alyssa and Christopher

After sledding till we were knumb, everyone went home to recover from near frostbite.
This evening, Devin invited his friend Jordan to celebrate with us. Everyone met up at Bellacino's and we treated the whole gang to pizza and cake. Gary and Darlene drove over from White County. Mildred, Francis, Paradise, Matt, Kelly, & Jaiden joined us too. Afterwords, Stroker, Devin, Brookelynn, Jordan and I all went to the college basketball game. We met up with Bucket, Christopher, Alyssa, and Adison there. Devin also met up with a couple other friends.


Rain, Sleet, and Snow

Today was an unusual day. The weather men fore casted a snow/ice mix, and guess what...we actually got it! The entire region was in panic mode. Banks, stores, and even medical clinics were closing early. By 6:00 pm there were 2 - 3 inches of snow on the ground...then the sleet started. Logical people would stay at home and stay safe, we set out to Lowe's to check out materials for our next project. After Lowe's , we decided to head over to Matt and Kelly's for a while. It was midnight before we headed home. By then, there were 4 -6 inches of snow and ice. The city was like a ghost town. I remember 14 years ago, we had a big snow just like this. I brought baby Devin home from the hospital during that winter storm.


Throw back Thursday

Only two days till Devin's 14th Birthday. He is excited ( and I am too).
He and Stroker are at the basketball game tonight while Brooke and I had another "girls night" together. The weather man is calling for snow tomorrow. It must be a sure thing because school has already been cancelled for tomorrow.
14 years ago at this time, I was preparing for this precious little blessing.


Dental Dilemma

So, I went to the dentist today for my 6 month check up. For some mysterious reason the hygienist recognizes that in my 33 years on this earth, I have never had a full mouth x-ray. Of course, it was suddenly crucial that I had one today. Two minutes later, I was informed that I needed my 3 remaining wisdom teeth cut out.
"No thank you" I politely responded. They are fine. They are lying quietly and comfortably in a horizontal position in my bottom gums... The one that I have left on the top is behaving nicely as well. I see no need to disturb them, being as they are not disturbing me. So, the dentist opted to leave that recommendation alone.


Weekend Review

Had a great weekend. Friday night, my family met up with Matt and his family for dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. Afterwords, Jaiden came home with us for about an hour or so to play with Brooke.
Saturday morning, I got up early to go through my digital photos and sort them all according to the year they were taken. I made a folder for 2002, 2003, 2004...all the way to 2010. It felt great to finally check that off my "to do" list. I LOVE being organized!!!
Saturday evening my sis, my niece, and my great nephew came over for a while. Darlene even brought me something (that I also love). New Bath Towels, Hand Towels and washcloth. They match the "Ocean View" paint in my bathroom perfectly. My sis is a natural born shopper. She always finds just the right stuff. We all went to dinner together at Fazoli's after hanging out at the house for a while.
Sunday, Brooke and I spent most of the day at my mom's. We looked through old photograph's and just watched a little TV. Sunday was a rainy and stormy day.


Five On Friday

I didn't seem to find any time to blog at all this week, so I am going to try to sum up the week with 5 events.
1. Monday : Found out that I will be a "great aunt" again. My "great nephew" Jett is going to be a Big Brother.
2. Tuesday : Figured out how to format my hard drive and reboot windows, drivers and other hardware.
3. Picked the kids up from school everyday since Stroker had to work late all this week.4. Thursday: Stroker and Devin joined Bucket & Christopher at Tech to watch a Basketball game. Devin has became quite a fan of TTU this year.

5. Thursday: Picked up the kids from school. When we arrived home, we found that we had just missed a hail storm

Brookelynn's First Eye Appointment

The kids were out of school Monday through Wednesday this week enjoying their snow days. I decided to take Brookelynn to her first eye appointment on Wednesday to ensure everything was well with her eyes. I had a bit of concern after viewing this photo that I took of Brookelynn. "Everything looks O.K. and there is no need for glasses" said the eye doctor. That was great news. I am sooo thankful that my children have good vision.
I just wish their hearing was better. They never seem to hear me when I tell them to clean their room, get their shower, or stop picking at one another.


Back Online

Well, after a few days without a computer, I am back online again. How did we ever survive without computers and internet?
Meanwhile, while we were snowed in and staying warm, we decided to change out the hardware on the kitchen cabinets. I have also organized the closet, cleaned the refrigerator and got lots of other things accomplished. I would be such an organized person if I didnt have a computer. Below are some "before and after" photos of the cabinets. What a big difference a small change can make.
Before...We had 2 different styles of handles and they were placed in different locations on the doors
(not to mention outdated) the knobs are new and they all match :)


More Fun In the Snow

Had a fun time today sledding with the kids. Now we are staying inside and staying warm.


Snow Days

It has been way too cold this week. Yesterday, we had a little snow fall. Today , we had a little more. The kids have enjoyed the days off from school and have finally put the sleds to some use. I am suprised that they have not dry rotted.

Happy New Year !...2010

Getting ready for the count down to 2010

Happy 18th Birthday Christopher