
And So It Begins

Thursday made it official, summer break came to a close.It was in-service day for Putnam County Schools. I also had some blood work done and a bone density screening. Turns out that I still have Osteopenia, which is the early onset of osteoperosis. Brookelynn had cheer practice on Thursday and she joined Darlene in watching Matasia in the Overton County Fair Pageant. It was a long day and bedtime was welcomed by all of us at the Hayes House.
Friday, Stroker and I both took the day to rest. We slept until almost 10:00 am. Once we got up, we were not much better off. We had a peacful breakfast for two at Cracker Barrell  then headed back home to lay around. We went for ice cream in the afternoon and took a drive down by a creek in Jackson County. After a few more hours of laziness, the two of us went on a date at Outback. The kids were home all day too, but aside from Brookelynn joining us for the scenic drive...they both left us to enjoy our day.
It was a storybook ending to summer break 2013.

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