
Ending November 2018

It was time to get some things done when we got back home. I had a hair appointment on Sunday, November 18, 2018, so I didn't want to miss that.

Tiffany had moved into moms house in September so I wanted to make sure everything was going okay there. It made my heart smile to see her picture of the Christmas lights. Mom would have loved that.

I did something on a whim on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 that I never do.
Ford was running a 0% interest deal, so I BOUGHT A CAR.😲
I'm still a little surprised myself.
I do love it though. 

I am not a big fan of Fall, but I do love Thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday.
Although, it is not the same without dinner at moms, I still look forward to the family gathering at my in-laws. It is the only Thanksgiving stop that we make nowadays. We had a big dinner that Mildred, Bee &  Nan prepared on Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 22, 2018

I snapped this image of our family room wall on Black Friday, November 23, 2018 before I removed it all to put up the Christmas tree.

 It took the whole day to get the tree up and decorated. 
Then I spent Saturday, November 24, 2018 decorating the fireplace, the kitchen, the laundry room and the bedroom.

 I used moms decorations in the laundry room from the year she themed "blue Christmas"

I created a little hot cocoa bar in the kitchen. Most of the snowmen themed stuff landed there.

 The Santa decorations were sat out in this little corner.
 . . . and on the kitchen table.
 There was still tons of stuff left, so above the fridge and above the cabinets got some decorations too.

 I still had extra decorations left...that is how our room got decorated this year.
I was trying to use ALL the decorations.

 Even got outside and decorated the house.

Next year, I plan to just donate a bunch of decorations to the Help Center.

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