
Mother's Day...Take 2

So, Sunday, May 13, 2018 marked the second Mother's Day that I have had without my mom. 
It's super hard, but I refuse to let it take over my brain and keep me from enjoying time with my kids.
This year, I asked for relaxation.
We went to church, lunch at Rose Garden, and then took a jeep ride down through the country.

Later that evening, Stroker grilled steaks.  It was a great day.
We drove up to Hanging Limb on Monday, May 14, 2018
We got a unit ready to ship out too. 
We had Brooke's jeep for the day. 
When we went to Chic-fil-a for lunch, we parked next to the cool kids.
We shipped it out on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. I cooked a home cooked meal to celebrate.
I finally took the plunge and joined Amazon Prime on Wednesday, May 16, 2018
 I placed a couple of orders to go ahead and put it to use. 
I also took a trip to Sparta to pick up our new t-shirts that I ordered. 
 I went by Hobby Lobby and eyeballed a cabinet that I would like to have.
At church, we studied how Jesus made fishers of men.

On Thursday, May 17, 2018, the bottom of the French doors just gave up and fell apart. 
I was not surprised. Lots of things fall apart when I touch them. 
On a good note, the girls fingers didn't fall off during my massage on Thursday.
Richard helped us out today.  He has plenty of energy. We found him climbing the rafters. 😨
We were stretched thin on Friday, May 18, 2018.
We had three stops to make before taking a drive to Smithville in the convertible. 
We had to get a couple of banners sewn, so we just made a nice little drive out of it.
Then came the trip to Monterey. 
We ended the day (and the week) at the funeral home for Charles' visitation.
Brooke and I took the jeep and drove to Jamestown on Saturday, May 19, 2018.
We got back to Cookeville in time to get changed and go to Charles' funeral.
We hung out at Mildred's later in the evening.
My turn had rolled around for breakfast at church again on Sunday, May 20, 2018.
Fiesta Cancun was our lunch spot and we spent the afternoon on the patio watching some Netflix.

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