
Bring on Summer!

School is winding down for the year and it feels so good. We are exhausted. 
We were so tired Monday, May 21, 2018, that we did not even feel like going to dinner. I picked up O'Charley's to go and we had dinner on our patio.
I went to get my teeth whitened on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.
He told me at the beginning that I was maybe a shade 6. He hoped to get me to shade 4.
He said that most people come in as a shade 10-12 so mine were already as white as most people hope to achieve.  They changed a little. People tell me that my teeth are white, but to me, I thought they could use brightening.
We made another venture to Jamestown on Wednesday, May 23, 2018
I attended the Putnam County Schools picnic the same day.
We had church in the evening and a late dinner at Cracker Barrel.
Since it had been such a busy couple of weeks, and now school is finally out for summer, we took Thursday, May 24, 2018 to get some cleaning done.
We ended the evening at sonic with our church group
We were looking forward to slowing down, but it didn't happen on Friday, May 25, 2018.
We did pause to have dinner at Outback with Sterl & Debi.
Saturday, May 26, 2018 was great. We had everything picked up at back at home by 7pm.
We still had daylight and the evening to relax.
We had church Sunday, May 27, 2018, but didn't go to lunch afterwards because we had to get stuff ready for the memorial day picnic later in the afternoon at the Park.
I took some corn on the cob, grape salad and some veggie bars.
We spent a couple of hours at the picnic and later went to Mildred's.
We were there until 11pm.😲 That is a late night for us.
I got up and took new flowers to moms grave Monday morning, May 28, 2018.
I made them myself...yellow roses.
I went by daddy's to visit for a while too. 
He was relaxing on his Memorial Day.
Phyllis made us lunch while we were there.
 Mildred cooked out for Memorial Day, so we ate at her house for dinner.
 We hung out on the couch at her house most of the evening. It feels good lay around for a while.
Check out that forecast for Wednesday...That's a lot of rain 😱

I had a dentist appointment on Tuesday, May 29, 2018.  Brooke took me in her jeep.
Even though they should have appeared clean since I just had them bleached last week, you would have thought she was cleaning under my gums. My mouth was sore by the evening from the intense scraping that she did.  I didn't even eat dinner because my gums hurt.
There was some heavy rain and storms that came through in the evening. 
 Kimba was nervous and hid behind me on the patio.
I had a headache at bedtime, but I thought I would just lay down and let it go away as I slept.
Boy was I wrong. I woke up around midnight and my head was pounding.
I stayed in bed and tried to get more sleep. Two more times it woke me up throbbing.
At 3:50 I got up and took Tylenol and laid back down.
At 4:15 I had to get up.  After Stroker asked me why I was sitting on the edge of the bed, I told him I was sick (and I was).  I decided to go to the bathroom and wait because I felt nausea setting in.
Sure enough, by 4:30, I was in full blown migraine mode. 
Even worse, I had nothing on my stomach because I skipped dinner 😰
When I finally got the strength to get up, I took two Motrin and laid back down. My headache began to ease at 5am Wednesday morning, May 30, 2018.  What a night. 😔
I didn't get back up until 9am.
I felt so much better, but was nervous that it might reoccur. 
Devin even felt bad for me and washed the dishes.
Brooke and I took a ride to stay in relax mode. We rode down to Rock Island (one of moms favorites) and then ate in McMinnville.

 We found these cool dishes at an antique shop that we stopped at.
 These green ones are my favorite. 😍
I spent the last day of May...Thursday, May 31, 2018  at home.  I made dinner too. It was a stormy evening again, so it felt good to stay put.
Here is the actual sky (no filter)
 ...and here is proof that filters can make even the worse circumstances look like the best thing ever.

Life is just one filter away from being perfect.


Mother's Day...Take 2

So, Sunday, May 13, 2018 marked the second Mother's Day that I have had without my mom. 
It's super hard, but I refuse to let it take over my brain and keep me from enjoying time with my kids.
This year, I asked for relaxation.
We went to church, lunch at Rose Garden, and then took a jeep ride down through the country.

Later that evening, Stroker grilled steaks.  It was a great day.
We drove up to Hanging Limb on Monday, May 14, 2018
We got a unit ready to ship out too. 
We had Brooke's jeep for the day. 
When we went to Chic-fil-a for lunch, we parked next to the cool kids.
We shipped it out on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. I cooked a home cooked meal to celebrate.
I finally took the plunge and joined Amazon Prime on Wednesday, May 16, 2018
 I placed a couple of orders to go ahead and put it to use. 
I also took a trip to Sparta to pick up our new t-shirts that I ordered. 
 I went by Hobby Lobby and eyeballed a cabinet that I would like to have.
At church, we studied how Jesus made fishers of men.

On Thursday, May 17, 2018, the bottom of the French doors just gave up and fell apart. 
I was not surprised. Lots of things fall apart when I touch them. 
On a good note, the girls fingers didn't fall off during my massage on Thursday.
Richard helped us out today.  He has plenty of energy. We found him climbing the rafters. 😨
We were stretched thin on Friday, May 18, 2018.
We had three stops to make before taking a drive to Smithville in the convertible. 
We had to get a couple of banners sewn, so we just made a nice little drive out of it.
Then came the trip to Monterey. 
We ended the day (and the week) at the funeral home for Charles' visitation.
Brooke and I took the jeep and drove to Jamestown on Saturday, May 19, 2018.
We got back to Cookeville in time to get changed and go to Charles' funeral.
We hung out at Mildred's later in the evening.
My turn had rolled around for breakfast at church again on Sunday, May 20, 2018.
Fiesta Cancun was our lunch spot and we spent the afternoon on the patio watching some Netflix.

We Skipped Spring

We had home cookin' off the grill on the the first day of May 2018.  
Richard and Joscar came over and cleaned 6 units. 
The weather was awesome. 😀
Brooke could not wait to get the top off that jeep.
Tuesday, May 2, 2018 was administrative professionals day.  We were treated to lunch at Nick's.
I also had a doctor's appointment. I decided to do HRT    and today was the day.
My appointment ran a little long, but I got out in time to get to church.
We had a delivery on Thursday, May 3, 2018. Gus helped us with that.
I took the convertible to Sonic and had a treat compliments of a token that daddy left in the car.
The weather was awesome.  Brooke and I both rode around topless.
I went to Nashville with Kevin, Tiffany and Katlin on Friday, May 4, 2018 to have tests done on Kevin's heart. His arteries looked clean enough that no procedures were necessary.
I got back to Cookeville in time to meet our Friday night crew for dinner at the Dipsy Doodle.
I spent all day on Saturday, May 5, 2018 cleaning the stuff that I dread cleaning the most.
The bathrooms, sweeping the house, stripping the beds and dishes.
The forecast was calling for rain, so it gave us more time to ourselves.
We visited Mildred and Paradise and got to meet Paradise's new dog Champ. 
On Sunday, May 6, 2018, after church, we drove the convertible to the Rose Garden for lunch and down to Edgar Evans State Park. We took the old Highway 70 back home.
It was a great little drive.

 We got home and took the doggies to the park for a walk at the park on Monday, May 7, 2018.
It was Lilly's first time. She loved it except swimming.  
Kimba loves to swim, but Lilly just doesn't get it.

We had a quick dinner at Captain D's. The kids don't like it, so we go when they are not with us.
Maleigha sent me a message that our Snap Streak had vanished, so I immediately emailed them about it.
On Tuesday, May 8, 2018, it was back up. Whew...that was close.
It was sunny and 77° outside. Brooke and I took a drive to Stacia's, but she wasn't home. 😞
I made a new cleaning schedule for Church on Wednesday, May 9, 2018.  Devin and I had lunch together and we went to Cracker Barrell after church.

We walked Kimba and Lilly again at the park on Thursday, May 10, 2018, but Lilly still isn't a fan of swimming.
Kimba is so thankful that we take her.
The barometric pressure is back up today....way up.
Dirt was delivered and spread on Friday, May 11, 2018. Now, to get grass to grow.
Our new unit arrived today. 😁
oh...Brooke always has her bed made...I love her. 😍

We stopped by the Poke Salad festival on Saturday, May 12, 2018.
We had lunch there too.
We spent the evening hanging out on the patio.