
Anxiety, Dread and Crashes

We had dinner with the Paramore's on Friday, September 1, 2017.
Devin was feeling sick on Friday.
He wasn't getting any better Saturday, so I took him to the doctor. Turns out, it was anxiety again.
It was a rainy day on Saturday too. Devin went with me to moms to start cleaning out her kitchen.
It's only took five months for me to get up the courage to go in there and start.
It's a little overwhelming to get started on such a huge task. Add sorrow, angst, and emotion to the mix and we are all basket cases here.
I don't know if we did any good on Saturday or just created a mess. My hope is to take the process one room at a time.  I brought home some old Tupperware from moms kitchen, The pitcher that she used to keep Kool Aide in, the Tupperware bowl that was the official "potato salad" bowl and a couple of other random pieces. Darlene found some dishes that she wanted and some of Ma Hodges things. A lot of stuff, we just threw away. It was either worn out or didn't work anymore.  We threw away an entire forest of fake vines, flowers, and floral arrangements. Mom always had a house full of floral arrangements.
Sunday, September 3, 2017 was a jam packed day.  We went to church, Sparta, Gainesboro, and the church Memorial Day picnic. Stroker and the guys picked up the rentals while I went to the grocery store.
When he got back home, he swung the truck around to back in and hit the fire hydrant 😲. Luckily, not hard enough to cause it to spew. When he realized what he had done, he put the truck in reverse to back up, but didn't realize the trailer was turned. So, he back the trailer sideways and it hit his fender.😣
I told him that he was the only person I know, that can have two accidents in less than thirty seconds. 🙅
I went back to moms on Monday, September 4th (Memorial Day). We got all the photos off the wall and split them up. I brought mine home. The two employees cleaned and dried equipment and we had time to head to Mildred's for a Memorial Day cook-out
I let mom's Tupperware soak in bleach the entire day on Tuesday, September 5th to clean off stains, freshen them up and sanitize them from sitting around 30 years.
I dropped Brooke off at Mary's so they could get to school on Wednesday morning. 
We had to clean one unit on Wednesday, September 6th. We went to church at dinner at Cracker Barrel. (Never woulda guessed that huh?)
 We build the walls of Jericho

It was sunny and 78℉ on Thursday, September 7, 2017. What and absolutely beautiful day God gave us.  Someday's, I just look up, smile, and say thank You.
I washed the car, vacuumed, moved my desk out and straightened up the shed on On Thursday.
One of our big units was out on Friday, September 8th, but my hunny bunny had it picked up before I ever lifted a finger. 😲
We had dinner Friday night at Longhorn's  with Lloyd and Linda.
Our employees helped us on Saturday, September 9th. It was another beautiful day 🌞
My turn again to serve breakfast at church on Sunday morning, September 10, 2017. I also ran the Sound Booth for church too.
Brooke and I have made friends with this little lady this summer. She has a web by our patio and each day she takes it down and builds a fresh new one each night. She is such a hard worker. Brooke and I watch her dis assemble it all in the evenings. She starts along the edges and works her way to the middle taking down strand by strand.
I cooked dinner on Monday, September 11, 2017. I also went shopping for mums and pumpkins for fall. 

These two kept me company on the patio, but made sure not to get in each others territory.
We had hot dogs off the grill on Tuesday, September 12. 2017
I worked on my scrapbook a little too.
Devin decided to stir around a little at dusk.

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