
The Rest of June 2017

My mother in law made dinner for us on Monday, June 19, 2017.   I love a good home cooked meal. Especially when it is my mother in laws.
We got a slide ready to ship on Tuesday, June 20th and had dinner at Logan's.
I got our grocery shopping done and put away.
We had 24 in our class Wednesday evening and tropical storm Cindy arrived on Thursday, June 22.
Friday, June 23, 2017 was Dr. Nash's retirement party.  We decorated, made food, took photo's and videos.

It was a long week, so Saturday evening, we relaxed with dinner at Hurricane Marina with my Sister and Gary.
After Church on Sunday, June 25, 2017 we had lunch at Rib City with friends. We had a teacher meeting at church Sunday evening and met up at Sonic afterwords for treats.
Some ladies and I met up for lunch at Longhorn's on Monday, June 26.  I love to get together with friends and talk about all the going and doing that everybody stays busy with. It feels good to slow down, enjoy a meal and great company.
I also enjoy a good dinner on the patio, which is what we had Monday evening.
Brooke and I had lunch at the Clark House with Dr. Nash on Wednesday.
I also had a hair appointment on Wednesday and we went to church.
We tried to slow down a little on Thursday, June 29, 2017 so I cooked dinner at home and relaxed on the patio of course. 
Friday, June 30, 2017 was Dr. Nash's final day to work.  I hope she enjoys her retirement. She sure gave her job 100%.
We met up with the Paramore's and Robert's for dinner at the Rose Garden Friday Night. That spot has really grown on my top 5 restaurants list.

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