
St Louis...the Ghost Town

On my last post, I left out the cool zombie apocalypse part.
One of the cool, yet a little creepy parts of our trip was that it is not baseball season.
Navigating through downtown was a breeze. The streets were empty, there was no lines to wait in for anything and we had the opportunity to get a good close look at everything we wanted to see.
On a creepier note. It felt like the zombie apocalypse after dark. The bars, taverns and restaurants were all lit up, with the tv's playing and tables sitting empty. 
The stadium lights were on as if a game were in full swing, and yet there was not a soul in sight.
The streets were loud with music, but no one was around.
Like I said. Kinda Creepy...kinda cool!
I can only imagine all the hype during baseball season though.

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