
Rain Rain Go away.

The rain showers gave us a slight break on Friday. We used the day to get a few things done at the house.
Saturday the rain poured all day long. We decided to go visit my mom for a while on Saturday during the day as the rain soaked middle Tennessee. Later Saturday evening, Darlene and Gary stopped by our house for a visit. The rains slowed down a little by 8 pm and by 8:30, I had the bright idea to go to Hurricane Boat Dock to watch their firework show. All six of us loaded up in Gary's truck and headed toward Smithville. We arrived just in time to find out that the display had been postponed because of all the rain. Wasted trip.

Today was a better day. We woke up to sunshine. After church, we went to Mildred's church to watch Heather Scott be Baptised. We have attended several baptisms in the past couple of years (including our own) and one thing is for sure...I never grow tired of being a part of people's life changing moment.
After our two church attendances this morning, we joined Heather Scott, a couple of her friends, Mildred, Francis, Matt, Jaiden, and Paradise for lunch at El Tapatio to celebrate.

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