
Our Discovery

July is starting off a bit on the gloomy side. There is a chance of rain in the forecast every single day. So far the weather predictions are accurate. It rains once or twice each day. 
July is also starting off with sleepovers. Brookelynn went to Cassidy's on Sunday night for a sleepover and Cassidy hung out at our house on Monday. 
Yesterday Brookelynn and Treasure made plans for a sleepover at our house. This is the first time those two girls have had a sleepover with each other all summer. They have been missing one another.

Last night, I apparently dropped the discover card on the way in the house. I had no idea that it was missing until Stroker sent me a text asking me if I dropped it last night. Attached to the text was this image.
Looks like Kimba found it in the yard for me.
 I have a tendency to bring in everything from the car when I get home because I hate a cluttered vehicle. The downfall of carrying everything inside is that my hands often get too full and I drop stuff. 
Today is yet another forecast for spotty showers. They have just arrived. I guess at this point we have to look forward to next Friday where it appears that there is 0% chance.
These showers are causing a bit of cabin fever for Brookelynn and Treasure, so why not make the most these rainy days? 
This evening, I took the girls for splash at Dogwood Park to run off some energy and get outdoors. Rain or Shine.

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