
Back to School

Today was the first day of the 2010-2011 school year. We completed our test run for morning drop offs in just under forty minutes...which is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Uuuugggghhhh...TRAFFIC!  I'm frustrated at whoever built the high school 8 miles from our house. Why cant it be 1.6 miles away like the elementary school?
On a brighter note...Brooke got the absolute best teacher  in the district this year.  Mr. Bilyeu was  always going above and beyond other teachers. The made the lesson plans fun, he took pictures of the students of them working on projects and sent them home to parents, he even sent the kids educational post cards from his summer vacation. The kids like him because he keeps live pets in the classroom. If the students are on their best behavior all week, he even brings in a mouse on Friday to feed the snake while the kids watch.
As gross as it seems...the kids love it!
I hope Devin gets comfortable with the high school within the next week or so. I know it is a bit intimidating being in a new place...especially a building as big as our high school and with 2000 other students.

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