
One Last Post for February

I can't even begin to remember half the things that have been going on at our house the last couple of weeks. The days begin and end so quickly, I cant even keep up. I do recall going to bed every single night for the last 5 days watching "Forest Gump". It's "Can't get enough Gump week" on AMC (American Movie Channel).
I guess I just can't get enough Gump because I have am hooked.
I had a great birthday. My sister, brother-in-law, niece, great nephew, great niece, Stroker, Devin, Brookelynn and I went to dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. I received a lot of great gifts and cards. Some of the gifts that I received were...

  • White Roses
  • "Sister's" Candle light Heart Warmer
  • gift certificate for a manicure
  • lunch at Cheddar's
  • 2 scented candles
  • chocolate...(Yum)
  • an awesome handmade photo frame
  • hugs, kisses & lots of love

I know there is more that I should blog about, but I just don't recall right now and I am ready for bed and another night of Forest Gump.


Weekend Review

Saturday, Brookelynn finally got to go see the movie "Tooth Fairy".

For dinner, we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Afterwords, Devin decided that we should all attend another college basketball game to finish off the night. It was 10:30 before we made it back home. We were all worn out and went straight to bed.

Sunday morning (Valentines Day), we decided to visit O'Charley's for brunch. While we were there, Brookelynn presented us all with Valentine's gifts. They were the sweetest gifts ever. Not only did she make each of us a card, but she had went around the house and gathered up things that she knew we liked. For me, it was Hershey's kisses...for Devin, it was chap stick...for Stroker, it was a miniature Titans helmet. It was all so thoughtful. Leave it to Brookelynn to come up with such sweet gifts.

Today, the kids were originally supposed to have the day off from school for Presidents Day. Then, the school board members voted to make it a school day so that we wouldn't go over our county's allotted snow days. This morning we awoke to an inch of snow and school was cancelled anyway. The kids spent the day at home with me.

It was not a productive day. It is too cold to leave the house, and we are all bored with the things to do inside the house. I spent two hours today mesmerized by the TV show "Hoarders". I just cannot imagine what is going on inside those peoples head to live that way. I know it has been diagnosed as an illness, but from my perspective, it looks like classic laziness syndrome. I am just grossed out by what I seen, I don't know why I even watched...yuk. If you want to check it out for yourself, it comes on the A&E channel.


Freezing Friday

Why won't my feet get warm? They have been cold for days. Does my blood not circulate at all? I cannot wait till Spring so that I can thaw out. If it doesn't get warm soon I am going to have to start preparing meals at home just to have the opportunity to stand by the oven and be warm. As for tonight, we just got back from Chic-fil-a. We all know that I wasn't serious about the whole "prepare meals at home" idea. The only reason I have a kitchen is because it came with the house.
As for the game last night, we had a good time. Devin was a little upset because we left a bit early, but with a twenty point lead, whats the point in hanging around till it's over?


Headed to the Game

We are off to another college basketball game. Devin's favorite pass time. Had a busy couple of weeks. Last Monday started off with me winning a $20 gift certificate to El Tapatio. We celebrated Matt's birthday last Monday night with him, Kelly, Jaiden, Austin, and of course my crew at O'Charlies.
Snow showers have became a regular occurrence around here these days. The kids have only had one full day of school February.
We babysat Jett last Friday and Saturday night for about three hours each night. Boy is he entertaining. We love to carry on conversations with him. He is too funny. Saturday night about 17 of us met up at Longhorn's Steakhouse for dinner. "Call ahead" seating doesn't even cure the wait time for a party of 17. The food was great that night (possibly because we were starving by the time we got a table). Jett was well behaved the whole time and everyone was surprised that he chose broccoli over all the other food. I believe he was born a vegetarian.
As for school this week, one day started two hours late, another day school closed two hours early and then there was a couple of days that school was closed altogether. Tomorrow is supposed to be a full day. At least they got one day in this week.