
Summer Rolls In

After church on Sunday, June 19, we went to dad's for Father's Day. We had lunch there too.
I got him a yellow convertible. He has always wanted one.
In order to stay within my budget, I got him the matchbox car kind.
Of course I had a hair appointment too. It seems that I have one every holiday this year.
I took mom to her doctor appointment on Monday, June 20. We went for milkshakes afterwords :)
That evening, I got outside and hung my new "Rain Lights".

I spent Tuesday, June 21st catching up on some of these blog posts. This stuff takes longer than you think. I love looking back over the years though. It wasn't the most perfect way to spend summer solstice, but I needed to catch up a little.
Church and Zaxby's was the only place we went on Wednesday evening June 22.
Friday, June 24 was busy for a Friday. We had three different stops to drop off equipment.
We had other obligations on
Saturday, June 25, but Brooke went to ride the boat at Center Hill with Gary and Darlene. 
We picked her up in Sparta around 5pm

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