
October Fun

We went jeepin' in the woods of Whitleyville, Hermitage Springs and Norht Springs with the Kennedy's on Sunday, October 14, 2017. We spent the whole day in territory that we did not know existed. To see more, click HERE

We went to church on Sunday, October 15 and cleaned the jeep from the day before. It rained, so no set ups.
I cooked dinner on Monday, October 16th while Stroker waxed the jeep.
We purposely bought an old rugged jeep so we wouldn't have to worry about dirt, scratches, or dings... but now he is out there putting a coat of wax on it. 😕
I made taco soup while the employees worked on Tuesday, October 17. I am loving the time this free's up for us.  I need to get the office area cleaned up too.

We had church on Wednesday, October 18, 2017.
I cleaned at moms on Friday, October 20, 2017. I got a whole bunch of towels and washcloths to bring home.                                  Thanks Mom 😊
I made a meatloaf on Saturday, October 21, 2017.
I was on the schedule for breakfast at church on Sunday, October 22, 2017.
It rained on Monday, October 23rd. It was a good day to stay in bed, but Brooke had to get to school (she was tired and sleepy)
I cooked at dinner at home and we stayed in since it was a yucky day.

We had to set up for a church trunk or treat before church on Wednesday, October 25, 2017. 
Thursday, October 26, 2017 marked the seven year anniversary of Darlene's cancer. SEVEN years!  God is so Good.
We went to Murfreesboro Thursday to watch the Seigel / CHS football game (and to visit with the Brooke's)😉
It's no secret that I don't get into sports. If I am at a ballgame, it's to socialize.

I called Daddy Friday morning to wish him a happy birthday!
Bridgett and I went to "cookin' on the square" on Friday, October 27, 2017.
It was good, just extremely crowded. 
We had a set up in Sparta Friday too.
Winter arrived on Saturday, October 28th. It was only 40°
We had set ups scheduled and thank goodness we had help because it got us in out of the cold a lot faster.
The high for Sunday, October 29th was only 38°.
There was snow flakes falling when we got up. We went to daddy's birthday party after church.

 We made a Halloween delivery on Monday, October 30th. That gets two of them ready to go. We rushed to get set up on October 31st so that we could get to our church for Trunk or treat.


October Ups and Downs

We took a fun trip to Autumn Acres on Sunday, October 1st  2017
 We got more pumpkins while we were at autumn acres
We were back at church on Wednesday, October 4th.  And tonight, the water was held back while the Israelite's walked to the other side of the Jordan River.

On Thursday, October 5, 2017 we took a drive to check out a jeep. While we were in Whitleyville, we joined Dustin and Lindsey for dinner. The treated us to BBQ from Jay Dee's in Gamaliel KY
We have eaten there once before and it is very good.
On Friday, October 6th, we bought the jeep. 😀

We decided the same day to go ahead and order step bars.
...and so the jeep expenses begin.
We took our first jeep ride to Baxter on Saturday, October 7, 2017.
We also was in Gainesboro Saturday.

After church on Sunday, October 8, 2017 we went to lunch at Chili's
We made a trip to Livingston. It was a rainy Sunday. I put one of moms table covers on the kitchen table with the willow tree figurine.
Monday, October 9th was a sad day 😭
My neighbor came over to tell me that Kenny Cat got ran over.
The neighbor had already buried him.
He was my favorite cat ever. He let me rub his nose and everything.
RIP Kenny
I laid on the couch and watched TV on Tuesday, October 10, 2017.
We went to church and Cracker Barrel on Wednesday, October 11.
We also took the top off the jeep since the weather is going to be so good the next several days.
I went to moms again on Thursday, October 12, 2017.
We tossed all the fake trees, found some nostalgic stuff and found stuff that warmed my heart to know that mom kept them.
 Wow...my Y107 Christmas sweatshirt (circa 1987)
Thanks mom for the extra towels and washcloths. 😊 
 I'll keep all these clothes covered until I can get it dropped off at the Help Center
(moms clothes 😥)
On a lighter note, we took the jeep for a drive down Step Rock Road.
We finished the day with dinner at Olive Garden
Brooke and I took a jeep excursion on Friday, October 13, 2017
We drove down through Granville and Jackson County.
We had lunch at The Bull and Thistle on the way.

 Chicken Tenders
 Club Sandwich, Fries and Salad

We finished the week with dinner at the American Diner with the Paramore's and Robert's.