
"March"ing Forward

After spending a couple of days at home resting up from vacation, we got back into our "normal" day to day activities. The kids are still on spring break this week so they ditched us last night to spend time at my sister's house. Devin is taking a road trip with Gary today to check out a truck driving career. Stroker and I went for a quiet dinner for two at Logan's last night. We also stopped by the funeral home to pay our respects to nice man that we both knew. He collapsed at his job (Staples) on Friday and passed away shortly after.
Other "happenings" in the past few days have been...
  • John Casen's first birthday party
  • Check up with the oral surgeon about the numbness in my chin and bottom teeth.
  • My finger nails are still growing since I can no longer bite them with a numb mouth.
  • I went for my second manicure.
  • Spent Saturday in four surrounding counties.
  • Devin invested $65 on a PS3 game called Battlefield 3 so he could play against his PA friend that he met on the ship.
  • The Bradford Pear Tree's are in full bloom (and stink).
  • Daylight Savings time began. I love long evenings.
  • Erin, Brandon & Ansley got moved into their new house.

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