
Halloween Happenings

This has been a very busy 3 days. Below are a few events we have taken part in.
Brookelynn's class Halloween Party on Friday the 29th
  Brookelynn's class Halloween Photo.
Flora was a little upset that she had to have her photo taken beside Obama....LOL
 Brookelynn and her new school friend Treasure
 A table full of baked goods for the Woodland Park Fall Festival 
Some very awesome themed  baskets were auctioned off at the Woodland Park Fall Festival
One of my favorites...Gift cards for restaurants.
Saturday the 30th:
The Halloween party at my sisters church.
My niece and nephew
My great nephew
Brookelynn, Paradise & Libby
Trick-or treating with Jett...aka Mike from Monster's Inc.
"I'll get you my pretty"
Stacia and baby Dash on his first trick-or-treat adventure
Jett has got this candy thing down to an art now.
Brookelynn, Libby and Paradise at one of our trick-or-treat stops
Trick-or-treat madness.  Cars and kids were everywhere
Goodbye October 2010

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