
Heat Wave

Is it just me or has the last few days been so hot that it takes your breath to walk outside?  We attended a wedding yesterday and thought we were going to scorch while we waited for the bride and groom to come out of the church. The wedding reception had some cool decorations that all us ladies were checking out. Stroker and I took our usual wedding gift basket. It was 9pm before we got home last night.
Friday, we gave our annual one hundred dollar donation to Saint Jude, attended Paradise's 6th birthday party at Mildred's and Darlene and Gary visited for a little while.

Today was another scorcher. After church, we visited mom for a couple of hours, then came home to rest. Stroker cooked burgers on the grill tonight, but it was so hot outside that he waited till 8:00 to grill them. We sat out on the patio for dinner and had watermelon for dessert.
All in all, I would call it a great weekend.
Thank you Jesus.

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