
Dashing through December.

Here it is five days into December and I haven't had a chance to blog this month. I can't exactly remember the order that things happened this week, but here is a quick recap.
  • D & B decided to swap bedrooms so we had both rooms repainted.
Devin decided to just go with gray walls
     Brookelynn went with 2 brown walls and 2 pink walls
  • Brookelynn has her Christmas tree up.
  • Stroker received his Christmas gifts early...A new 50" LED and a blue ray player.
  • Rented our first blue ray movie...Avatar... and loved the 1080P picture...I knew it had been a long time since we had the chance to sit down and watch a movie, I just didn't know how long it had really been. When I went to the counter to rent the movie at Blockbuster, the cashier said that she needed me to apply a new Credit/Debit card to my account because the one I had on file expired 8 years ago...LOL. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to rent a movie  before another 8 years pass.
  •  Woke up this morning to our first snowflakes this winter.
  • Hung new 2" blinds in the living room and ordered new curtains.
  • Went to see "Ice" with family and friends.
                                                              Katlin, Brookelynn, Paradise & Aysiah

                                                                                     Jett & Matasia

                                                                                    Darlene & Trent
                                                                            Brookelynn loved the ICE slide

                                                                 Katlin, Paradise, Brookelynn & Aysiah
                                                               Darlene, Brad, Brookelynn &  Matasia
Heather & Darlene (with our pointy red noses  LOL)

                                                                                          The Opryland Hotel
                                                                          Trent had a great time on the ICE adventure.

  • Tonight we met up with Keith and Heather for a quick El Tap fix.

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